The EU is sending millions of anti-radiation tablets to Ukraine to protect people from a potential accident caused by fighting at a nuclear power plant

Overview of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on August 29, 2022. Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies. The European Union said that it is preemptively donating 5.5 million anti-radiation tablets to Ukraine. Potassium iodide will help protect civilians if there's an accident from fighting at a nuclear plant. Southern Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia has seen recent shelling, sparking […]

Ukraine formally lifts entry ban for Russian males but maintains enhanced border checks

With the end of martial law imposed over the Kerch Strait incident, Kiev has lifted its entry ban for Russian men. But intensive searches of all Russian citizens at the border will continue, Ukraine’s customs chief has stated. Ukraine temporarily banned Russian males, aged 16-60, into the country following the imposition of martial law last […]

Ukraine is ‘constant problem to European Security’ – Greek alternate foreign minister

Kiev’s belligerent policies pose a “constant” security threat to Europe, Greece’s alternate foreign minister said, adding that the last thing Europe needs is another “hotspot of tension.” “It is true that Ukraine is a constant problem for the European Security System,” George Katrougalos told the Greek Kokkino radio broadcaster when asked to comment on the […]

Ukraine to ban entry to Russian men aged from 16 to 60

Kiev will ban Russian adult men aged 16-60 years from entering Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko was quoted as saying Friday. The head of the border service, Petro Tsygykal, said that the entry of foreigners has already been limited. Tsygykal cited in a televised meeting the “non-admission of citizens of the Russian Federation aged from 16 […]

Bad publicity? Cohen? Russiagate? Many reasons Trump canceled Putin meeting, but Ukraine isn’t one

US President Donald Trump cited the recent incident in the Kerch Strait when canceling the meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Experts who spoke with RT doubt that this is the real reason behind the last-minute move. Officially, Trump called off the meeting because “the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from […]

Ukraine puts army on ‘full combat alert’ after naval clash with Russia off Crimea

Ukraine has placed its troops on full combat alert, as MPs in Kiev are set to approve President Petro Poroshenko’s proposal to impose martial law following a skirmish between the Russian military and Ukrainian vessels near Crimea. The decision to put the Ukrainian armed forces on the highest level of alert came after the Ukrainian […]

Freedom of worship? US encourages Ukraine to create independent Orthodox Church

Washington has voiced “strong support” for an autocephalous Orthodox community in Ukraine, while the Russian Orthodox Church has accused the Constantinople Patriarchate of betraying its faith to cater to US political interests. While the Russian government has refused to intervene in Church affairs, Washington, which has little to do with the Orthodox world, reiterated “its […]

Russia claims it has a new reason to blame Ukraine for the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 in 2014

EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images Russia’s defense ministry claims it has new evidence that the missile that downed Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) in 2014 was fired by Ukrainian forces.  The Amsterdam-to-Kuala Lumpur flight was shot down by a Soviet-made missile over the rebel-held eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all 298 people on board. In […]

E. Ukraine: Head of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in cafe blast

Published time: 31 Aug, 2018 15:46 Edited time: 31 Aug, 2018 15:58 An explosion that rocked a cafe in central Donetsk city in eastern Ukraine killed the leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, and injured several other top officials. Media reports said that Zakharchenko was severely injured as a blast […]