‘It’s all acting’: NGO exposed teaching migrants how to trick ‘f***ing stupid’ EU border guards

A group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admitting to systematically training asylum seekers to exploit screening interviews by feigning trauma and persecution. Ariel Ricket, the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on […]

Arizona superintendent fails in last attempt to limit evolution teaching

Enlarge (credit: Steven Brewer / Flickr) Earlier this year, we covered an attempt by Arizona’s superintendent of Public Instruction to alter the state’s science education standards. Superintendent Diane Douglas seemingly directed her staff to edit a set of standards prepared by educators so that numerous mentions of the word “evolution” were eliminated. Climate change was […]

Teaching Kids to Code During the Summer—for $1,000 a Week

On a humid morning in June, classrooms along a third-floor corridor in a New York University building hummed with high-pitched chatter. The space serves as the hub for summer programs in computer science run by the California-based company iD Tech Camps. In one room, a group of children, ages seven to nine, knelt on the […]

Don’t offend the PC brigade by teaching ‘British values,’ Scottish govt warns teachers

Is political correctness getting in the way of education? The UK security minister fears that it might be, after Scottish teachers were told not to use the term ‘British values’ in the context of terrorism, as the term may offend. Security Minister Ben Wallace accused the Scottish National Party administration and Education Scotland of “putting […]

‘Citizen AI’: Teaching artificial intelligence to act responsibly

GUEST: Researchers at Mt. Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine in New York at have a unique collaborator in the hospital: Their in-house artificial intelligence system, known as Deep Patient. The researchers taught Deep Patient to predict risk factors for 78 different diseases by feeding it electronic health records from 700,000 patients. Doctors now t…Read More

The world’s only fully-equipped teaching hospital on a plane travels around the world restoring sight – see what it’s like onboard

Orbis Many people consider a visit to the eye-doctor a necessary chore. But for the 253 million people around the world who are blind or visually impaired, a single visit to an ophthalmologist can mean a second chance at life.  That’s where The Flying Eye Hospital Comes in. The MD-10 is the only fully equipped and accredited […]

Oxford graduate sues university for £1m over ‘inadequate’ teaching… 17 years later

Published time: 21 Nov, 2017 19:44 An Oxford graduate is suing his old university for £1 million (US$ 1,324,415) on the grounds that his failure to get a top degree 17 years ago cost him the chance of a lucrative legal career. Faiz Siddiqui alleges he received “inadequate” teaching during parts of his course. Siddiqui, […]