This is why being STRESSED is just as unhealthy as eating JUNK FOOD

Stress could be just as unhealthy as eating a really bad diet, according to researchers from the Brigham Young University, Utah. Tests in female mice revealed digestive micro-organisms in the gut can change when they’re stressed, so it appeared the mice had eaten a high-fat diet. The findings suggest stress is more than simply psychological, […]

This Fitness Tracker Wants to Tell You How Stressed You Are About Not Being Fit

Staying active is a big part of staying healthy, and that’s often the reason given for why you should wear a fitness tracker; they’re a constant reminder to get up off the couch. But stress can be just as detrimental to your health as sloth, so Garmin hopes its new vívosmart 3 will finally quantify […]

MAPPED: THIS is the most stressed city in Britain

Alongside finding out what stresses people in Britain out the most, national breakdown cover provider Green Flag has revealed the most stressed out cities in the UK. When it comes to what stresses Brits the most, it’s no surprise that in budget-conscious Britain, bills stress nearly a quarter of us (25 per cent). And when […]