$400 fees, long-range patient transfers: What you need to know about Ontario’s new long-term care rules

The Ontario government says hospital patients awaiting spots in long-term care can be moved to nursing homes not of their choosing up to 150 kilometres away, with charges of $ 400 per day to take effect in November if they refuse.

Suing for Incentives: Tesla Doesn’t Like the Way Ontario’s Treating It

In June, Ontario — the place just over yonder from Detroit and Buffalo — switched governments for the first time in 15 years. As part of his planned overhaul of the province’s finances, newly minted leader Doug Ford announced the cancellation of an electric vehicle rebate program that handed up to $ 14,000 to buyers of green […]

Why Ontario’s Catholic hospitals may no longer be able to pass on offering assisted death

While more than 630 Ontarians have ended their lives with the help of a nurse or doctor, none of those happened within hospitals that have historic ties to the Catholic Church. But advocates argue that publicly funded health-care centres should be legally bound to offer medical assistance in dying. CBC | Health News