Texas Attorney General ran away when served with court papers over abortion rights lawsuit, affidavit says

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton outside the US Supreme Court. The Washington Post / Getty Images An official attempted to serve Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton with a subpoena.  But Paxton fled his home in his wife's truck to avoid being served, an affidavit says.  The process server said he shouted out but Paxton ignored […]

Fetterman attacks Oz over proposed federal abortion ban, demanding he take a clear stance on a bill introduced by Lindsey Graham

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman addresses a crowd at Montgomery County Community College on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Charles Davis/Insider A bill from Sen. Lindsey Graham would impose a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks. Dr. Mehmet Oz's campaign on Tuesday said he believes the issue is a matter for the states to decide. […]

Former Playboy model Shera Bechard alleges in lawsuit that former Republican fundraiser Elliot Broidy got her pregnant her and demanded she get an abortion

Chris Pizzello/AP A previously censored lawsuit filed by former Playboy model Shera Bechard revealed shocking details of an affair with Elliot Broidy, a top fundraiser for President Donald Trump. Bechard alleged that after Broidy impregnated her, he became violent and demanded she get an abortion. Bechard sued Broidy after he paid only a portion of […]

Roe v. Wade probably won’t get overturned — but here’s what could happen to slowly chip away at abortion rights if the Supreme Court becomes largely conservative

Win McNamee/Getty Images President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court would solidify a 5-4 conservative majority if he were confirmed.  This makeup of the court has many pro-abortion-rights activists concerned that abortion access and even the landmark case Roe v. Wade could be in danger. Legal experts, however, told Business […]

It is illegal for victims of rape or incest to have an abortion in Ireland — here’s why that needs to change

Charles McQuillan/Getty Images A vote taking place this Friday will determine whether Ireland will repeal the 8th amendment and legalize abortion.  The 8th amendment is the part of the Irish constitution that permits an abortion only in cases where the woman’s life is at risk.  An estimated 5,000 Irish women a year have an abortion, […]