The sugar industry has been quietly funding one of the biggest misconceptions in modern nutrition

Flickr/IRRI Photos Several studies backed by multinational food and sugar companies have claimed sugar isn’t that bad for us. These studies incorrectly suggested that eating fat is responsible for weight gain and obesity instead. New research is revealing how these studies were bankrolled by the sugar industry. Several recent studies backed by multinational food and […]

15 Diet And Nutrition Myths Debunked By Personal Trainer Sam Wood

“Yes, organic products are more often than not slightly better for us. There’s less human interference, less chemicals, and less pesticides. But as long as you’re eating ‘real’ food and not processed food, that’s the most important thing. The kind of rules you should go by are if you’re in a supermarket and a product […]

Trump admin. delays Obama-era reboot of nutrition label amid industry pressure

Enlarge / Former First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled the new, modernized Nutrition Facts Label at the Building a Healthier Future Summit. (credit: Getty | Nurphoto) Following pressure from the food and beverage industry, the Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it would indefinitely delay the rollout of new nutrition labels that were designed to […]