What is pneumonia? Symptoms of bacterial infection that affected Kim Kardashian's son

Kim Kardashian revealed her son Saint, 2, is back at home and recovering on Tuesday after being treated in hospital for pneumonia. The reality TV star praised the resiliency of Saint, and said that their “end of year was challenging”. Pneumonia is a type of acute respiratory infection, that affects the lungs. The lungs are […]

Tiny robots used to treat bacterial infections (VIDEO)

Published time: 16 Aug, 2017 20:15 A micromotor drug delivery system has been used to treat bacterial infections in the stomachs of mice, a US school of engineering has announced. The tiny vehicles, each of which measure about half the width of a human hair, were designed to swim through the rodent’s gut and neutralize […]

Doing THIS in the shower could cause bacterial infection and increases deadly cancer risk

GETTY Vaginal douching – it can increase risk of ovarian cancer and bacterial vaginosis Some women argue douching makes them feel cleaner but vaginal washing could be dangerous. Previous studies have linked douching to cervical cancer, reduced fertility, yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory disease – an infection of the uterus – and ectopic pregnancies. Last year, […]