Why the esports audience is set to surge — and how brands can take advantage of increased fans and viewership

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here. Current subscribers can read the report here. BI Intelligence Esports, which is short for electronic sports, refers to competitive video gaming watched by spectators. Esports are not as mainstream as traditional […]

The US suicide rate has increased 30% since 2000 — and it tripled for young girls

Strelka/Flickr The suicide rate in the US jumped 30% from 2000 to 2016, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rise was especially large among young girls from 10 to 14, but it went up for females in every age group and for all men under 75. The suicide […]

Immigration has increased to the UK in the last thirty years – by this shocking amount

Immigration to the UK has more than doubled since 1990, according to a new study. The Pew Research Centre in Washington used figures from the UN to create an interactive map showing migration across the world. It analyses the figures from 1990 to present day in 2017, which found that in 1990, 3,650,00 people living […]

In an audit of supply chain partners, Apple found increased labor violations in 2017

Enlarge / An iPhone assembly worker works with Apple supplier Pegatron in an image distributed by Apple. (credit: Apple) Each year, Apple releases a report called the Supplier Responsibility Progress Report detailing its audits of the labor practices of its suppliers around the world. Apple reports violations it finds at various categories of severity and […]

Apple’s iOS update frequency has increased 51% under Cook’s management

GUEST: The Telugu “text bomb” bug sounds like an Apple user’s nightmare: you get a message containing a particular character from the Indian language of Telugu, and your iPhone’s messaging apps and WiFi functionality not only crash but “keep crashing forever” without drastic intervention. Apple issued a patch on February 19, but the Telugu bug […]