Scientists debunk harmful poinsettias, cookie dough and other holiday season myths and misconceptions

Are poinsettias really poisonous? Are snowflakes really pure as the driven snow? Does feasting really put on the pounds? Sure as sugarplums, myths and misconceptions pop up every holiday season. Here’s what science says about some of them: CBC | Health News

The sugar industry has been quietly funding one of the biggest misconceptions in modern nutrition

Flickr/IRRI Photos Several studies backed by multinational food and sugar companies have claimed sugar isn’t that bad for us. These studies incorrectly suggested that eating fat is responsible for weight gain and obesity instead. New research is revealing how these studies were bankrolled by the sugar industry. Several recent studies backed by multinational food and […]

Common misconceptions brand executives have about AI

GUEST: Artificial intelligence is no longer the sole domain of tech companies like Google, Facebook, IBM, and Amazon. Recognizing the potential of exponential technologies like AI and bots, creative agencies like Ogilvy and consulting firms like McKinsey and Accenture now proudly feature AI departments. The message to brands executives is clear: understand and leverage trends […]