A bargain hunter picked up a 700-year-old medieval script for $75 at a yard sale that could be worth $10,000

The Beauvais Missal was said to be genuine by professors Megan Cook and Lisa Fagin Davis. Megan Cook A shopper got a surprise when he picked up a 700-year-old script for $ 75, per the Maine Monitor. Academic Lisa Fagin Davis confirmed the piece was genuine, and could be worth up to $ 10,000. Will […]

After lawsuit filed, Gearbox CEO confirms he left USB stick of porn at Medieval Times

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, recreated in a photo illustration of the game Borderlands‘s cover art. (credit: Photo illustration by Aurich Lawson) A pair of lawsuits filed in Dallas County District Court late last year came to light on Friday, each revolving around an apparently nasty dispute between the former general counsel of Gearbox Studios (makers […]

‘Medici: The Magnificent’ Trailer: Sean Bean Navigates Another Conspiring Medieval Family

Sean Bean in a medieval drama series? What will they think of next! The Game of Thrones actor has found a new scheming medieval family to navigate, except the twist is not that he’s going to die (though that may very well happen) but that Bean is playing the descendent of a character played by his Game […]

The Morning Watch: The Sound Design of Harry Potter, ‘Robin Hood’ Teaches Medieval Slang & More

The Morning Watch is a recurring feature that highlights a handful of noteworthy videos from around the web. They could be video essays, fanmade productions, featurettes, short films, hilarious sketches, or just anything that has to do with our favorite movies and TV shows. In this edition, a video essay dives into the difficult task […]

Medieval woman gave birth in her grave after ancient ‘neurosurgery’, scientists discover

A pregnant woman who underwent skull surgery in medieval Italy gave birth after she died, according to a team of scientists who examined the ancient remains. The case was identified by researchers as coffin birth – a phenomenon that occurs when a deceased pregnant woman’s fetus is expelled within the grave. Known as postmortem fetal […]

Arthurian Legends Gives Medieval Action An Old-School Twist

First person melee has gotten its fair share of iterations and styles in games large amd small, from Dead Island to Chivalry. Currently in development for PC, Arthurian Legends‘ approach to melee is decidedly more 90’s, harkening back to the fast-paced action of Witchhaven and Hexen. Sword, shield, axe, and mace. Holy grenade and throwing […]

British water firms are using a discredited medieval pseudoscience technique to look for pipes

ETprepper/YouTube 10 out of 12 big British water firms have admitted to still using “divining rods” to look for water. It’s a medieval pseudoscience, with no reputable evidence that it works.   When the parents of Sally Le Page, a British evolutionary biologist, tried to get help from their local water company with installing a new […]

Genoa: Discover an Italian classic medieval city with a vibrant modern twist

GETTY The historic mariners’ district of Boccadasse THE VIBE Genoa once rivalled Venice for maritime importance and its huge intact medieval core, just a stroll inland from the port, is stuffed with vivid reminders of the past. The capital of Italy’s Liguria province, Genoa’s gritty charm permeates this network of narrow lanes and its historic […]

The Ben & Jerry’s of Medieval Times

Profits and public-mindedness are often at odds. A business’s aim is to make money, and most of the time, concerns about social good are secondary at best, frequently touted for public-relations purposes. One exception is benefit corporations, companies that explicitly set out to do right by their workers, society, and the environment. The nomenclature is […]