How beauty standards for LGBTQ people impact body image, mental health

Narrow beauty standards can have serious impacts on body image for LGBTQ people, who already face higher rates of eating disorders and other mental illnesses. Further fuelling fears of not being accepted over their identity or orientation, some people can go to dangerous lengths to look a certain way.

New JWST image reveals full glory of Neptune, its moons, and rings

Enlarge / Webb captured seven of Neptune’s 14 known moons: Galatea, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Proteus, Larissa, and Triton. Neptune’s large and unusual moon, Triton, dominates this Webb portrait of Neptune as a very bright point of light sporting diffraction spikes. (credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI) Scientists are wasting no time in pointing the powerful new […]

AI software helps bust image fraud in academic papers

Enlarge / Colorized photo image of a Western blot test result. (credit: Getty Images) Scientific publishers such as the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and Taylor & Francis have begun attempting to detect fraud in academic paper submissions with an AI image-checking program called Proofig, reports The Register. Proofig, a product of an Israeli […]

A Webb Telescope image is being used to push malware

One of the first images taken by the James Webb Telescope that was released by NASA was the "sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date." It's a wondrous photo showing a detailed cluster of galaxies. It's also currently being used by bad actors to infect systems with malware. Security analytics platform Securonix has […]

Citizen scientist shares stunning image of Jupiter’s atmosphere

We’re used to thinking of Jupiter as an orangey-brown sort of color, with its distinctive colored features like the Great Red Spot. But a recent image of Jupiter shared by NASA shows the planet in quite a different color palette, showing the planet’s clouds in two different formats. Firstly, there’s the planet as the human […]

What channel is Spitting Image on?

This is because Britbox runs a 7-day free trial period, meaning you can enjoy all the content without spending a penny. And if you choose to sign up after that free trial period, the platform also offers an annual subscription deal. Instead of paying £5.99 per month for a year, totalling £71.88, the firm is […]

Spitting Image co-creator’s regret over ‘puppet that went a little too far’

The satirical show hit the headlines this week after Greta Thunberg was unveiled in a preview for the upcoming season, due to be released on October 3. Some viewers blasted creators for their choice to create a puppet of the 17-year-old climate change activist, who has autism. But Reemah Sakaan, an ITV spokesperson, fired back […]

Coronation Street spoilers: Geoff Metcalfe’s fate ‘confirmed’ in leaked filming image

“Neighbours can also be key witnesses.  It can, however, be difficult to involve 3rd parties as they may also be concerned for their safety/relationship with the perpetrator.  “The victim can also find a lot of shame in having to approach friends/family/neighbours for this information but in my experience, those who witness this behaviour are often […]

NAACP Image Awards 2020: black-ish, When They See Us, Greenleaf and Power Are Among TV Winners

RELATED STORIES The 51st NAACP Image Awards were handed out on Saturday in a ceremony hosted by Anthony Anderson (black-ish) and held live at the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, Calif. The annual gala celebrates outstanding achievements and performances of people of color, as well as those who promote social justice through art. On the TV […]

Avengers 4 Endgame: Major EXCITING Hulk news confirmed by THIS ‘Jade Giant’ image

Everyone knows Hulk is rather fond of the occasional “smash” at any time. So it was a shock when he refused to come out and play during Infinity war, leaving Bruce to fend for himself. When and how Hulk would ever return has been one of the biggest mysteries going into Endgame. Even the current Avengers […]