AI software helps bust image fraud in academic papers

Enlarge / Colorized photo image of a Western blot test result. (credit: Getty Images) Scientific publishers such as the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and Taylor & Francis have begun attempting to detect fraud in academic paper submissions with an AI image-checking program called Proofig, reports The Register. Proofig, a product of an Israeli […]

Loughlin & Huffman's College Bribery Bust: Late-Night Hosts Weigh In

[unable to retrieve full-text content] “Operation Varsity Blues” provided prime fodder for late-night monologues on Tuesday, with Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert et al cracking wise on the nationwide scheme involving 33 parents total — including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin — who allegedly paid hefty bribes to get their kids into elite colleges. “Well, it […]

The rise of Bob Swan, who went from leading a notorious dot-com bust to becoming the new CEO of Intel (INTC)

Intel Intel has a new CEO in the form of Bob Swan, ending a search that started in the wake of former chief exec Brian Krzanich’s departure.  Swan had been interim CEO since Krzanich left in June 2018, and Intel’s CFO before that.  Before Intel, Swan had a long career in Silicon Valley and beyond: […]

Live police bust overshadowed by porn blaring on TV (VIDEO)

Things turned very blue for a US police force when their cops were filmed on live television carrying out a crime bust as a porn movie blared inside the suspect’s home. Franklin County Sheriff’s Office recently had a chance to shine on national television when they featured on the hit fly-on-the wall documentary ‘Live PD.’ […]

Jeremy Clarkson tours Georgia with bust of Stalin on bonnet of his Bentley (VIDEO)

While touring Stalin’s homeland of Georgia, Jeremy Clarkson mounted a bust of the Soviet ruler on his Bentley roadster. The stunt could reportedly be explained by his forthcoming program about world dictators Georgia’s First Channel on Tuesday broadcast a video showing the former Top Gear host driving across the country with a bust of Joseph […]

Will the court ruling against Monsanto open floodgates to more lawsuits? RT’s Boom Bust takes a look

Published time: 14 Aug, 2018 14:47 A California jury has ordered Monsanto to pay $ 289 million to a man who alleged the company’s glyphosate-based weed-killers, including Roundup, caused his cancer. RT’s Boom Bust discusses possible future lawsuits against the GMO giant. In other news, Russia has sold off nearly all of its holdings of […]

Theme Park Bits: Disco Yeti Might Actually Bust a Move, Super Nintendo World Could Feature a Gaming Element

In this edition of Theme Park Bits: The paralyzed yeti in Disney’s Expedition Everest ride may finally be on track to move again. Some misattributed photos have led to false reports of an animatronic Lion King movie model. Florida parkgoers, you’ll definitely want to see what your new Mickey Mouse beignets look like. A man in his […]

Theme Park Bits: Disco Yeti Might Actually Bust a Move, Super Nintendo World Could Feature a Gaming Element

In this edition of Theme Park Bits: The paralyzed yeti in Disney’s Expedition Everest ride may finally be on track to move again. Some misattributed photos have led to false reports of an animatronic Lion King movie model. Florida parkgoers, you’ll definitely want to see what your new Mickey Mouse beignets look like. A man in his […]

Basketbrawl: Referees and players in massive on-court bust up

A major brawl between basketball players and match officials have gone viral on social media after the crazy all-in melee kicked off at a youth game in Atlanta on Sunday. Chicago’s Raw Athletics and the Houston Raptors of Texas were playing at the Lakepoint Sports facility in Emerson, Georgia when things kicked off. A video […]

Florida man ends up in jail after asking police to test ‘low quality’ meth & bust his drug dealer

In a reckless attempt to take revenge on his drug dealer for selling him methamphetamine of unsatisfactory quality, a 49-year-old man in Florida contacted the police to have the substance tested and to press formal charges. Unhappy with the quality of the drugs sold to him by his dealer, and having suffered an allergic reaction […]