Apple plans a fix for “grinding,” “vibrating” iPhone 14 Pro Max cameras next week

Enlarge / The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max. (credit: Apple) The ever-larger lens array may not be the only bumpy thing about the iPhone 14 Pro Max’s camera. Some users are reporting that the phone is making grinding noises and vibrating when they try to take photos with third-party apps like SnapChat and TikTok, […]

Zelenskyy says Ukraine retook 3 settlements from Russia, part of a broader counteroffensive meant to reverse Putin’s grinding advance

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a Telegram address posted September 4, 2022 President of Ukraine/Telegram Zelenskyy announced the retaking of three Ukrainian settlements, but didn't specify where.  One counter-attack was in the eastern Donbas region and two were in the south, he said.  Ukraine began to push back against Russian occupation in the south at the […]

Teeth grinding at night? Nine things YOU should know about bruxism

Bruxism is the medical term for the condition, characterised by grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. On average it affects between 8 to 10 per cent of the UK population and often symptoms manifest themselves in the form of an aching jaw, facial pain or increased teeth sensitivity. Compared with five years ago, London’s […]

Splatoon 2’s campaign features unfurling bridges and rail grinding

Nintendo is doing some impressive things with Splatoon 2’s boss fights, and we already talked about how the campaign is winning us over. In addition to octopus samurais and oven monsters, the levels themselves are brimming with fun ideas and challenges. And the gameplay is always shifting. In one level in Splatoon 2, early in […]

Watch a US-led coalition strike wipe out an ISIS roadblock amid the grinding fight for the group’s Iraqi stronghold

Iraqi government forces recaptured the eastern side of Mosul, ISIS’ last urban stronghold in Iraq and the country’s second-biggest city, in late January, and since February 19, the fight against ISIS there has ground on anew in western Mosul. A US-led coalition of dozens of countries has aided Iraqi forces on the ground and in […]