Zelenskyy says Ukraine retook 3 settlements from Russia, part of a broader counteroffensive meant to reverse Putin’s grinding advance

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a Telegram address posted September 4, 2022 President of Ukraine/Telegram Zelenskyy announced the retaking of three Ukrainian settlements, but didn't specify where.  One counter-attack was in the eastern Donbas region and two were in the south, he said.  Ukraine began to push back against Russian occupation in the south at the […]

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump thinks — and he has yet to go out of bounds

Alex Wong/Getty Images President Donald Trump told the New York Times on Wednesday that he felt it would cross a line if special counsel Robert Mueller began to examine his business dealings as part of the probe into possible collusion between his campaign team and Russia. “I think that’s a violation,” Trump said. “Look, this […]

Game investor Phil Harrison sees the broader view of games beyond Sony and Microsoft

Phil Harrison was probably the tallest person at the Gamelab gaming event in Barcelona, Spain, this week. And that, along with his decades of gaming experience, gives him a great view into the past and the future of games. Harrison ran research and development and first party worldwide studios for Sony’s PlayStation business. He left […]

Russia quietly cutting oil output while looking at broader prospects – Energy Minister

Moscow is fully complying with the deal to cap oil production, while accurately evaluating longer-term structural developments in the market, according to Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak. In March, the country’s producers reduced output by 200,000 barrels per day as the decrease in January and February was ahead of the original plans, according to the […]