Big Sky’s John Carroll Lynch Talks Fall Finale Shocker: ‘Karma’s a Bitch’

RELATED STORIES Warning: This post contains major spoilers from Big Sky‘s fall finale. Proceed accordingly. Talk about Big Rick Energy. John Carroll Lynch‘s Officer Rick Legarski was a cocky, taunting son-of-a-gun right up until the end of Tuesday’s Big Sky fall finale… when he goaded Cassie Dewell into shooting him in the head. The hour opened with […]

The Voice Performance Finale Recap: Which of the Top 5 Sang Like a Winner?

All eyes — and ears — were on Carter Rubin Monday night. Though The Voice and its coaches had at one point appeared to be working overtime to stage a Season 19 finale comprised of only country singers, Team Gwen Stefani’s 15-year-old wunderkind has emerged as the frontrunner — at least according to your responses […]

The Masked Singer Finale: Everything You Need to Know to Guess Crocodile, Mushroom and Sun’s Identities

The Masked Singer will be masked no more come Wednesday’s Season 4 finale (Fox, 9/8c), so now’s the time to lock in your guesses about Crocodile, Mushroom and Sun! In our opinion, this season of the really odd reality show has had the toughest, most misdirecting clues in the show’s history. But it’s also had […]

Transplant Finale Recap: Bash Gets a Shocking Visitor — Plus, Grade It!

RELATED STORIES Who is that?! That’s the big question following Transplant‘s Season 1 finale on Tuesday, which concludes with Bash and his sister Amira spotting a familiar face at the hospital’s front desk. Amira immediately rushes to the Syrian woman and happily embraces her, while a stunned Bash looks on. Then he, too, approaches. “I […]

The Undoing Finale Recap: Elena’s Killer Revealed In HBO Thriller’s Climax

RELATED STORIES When it comes to tying up loose ends, The Undoing had more ground to cover in Sunday’s series finale than one of Grace Fraser’s marathon evening strolls. At the top of the HBO thriller’s closure-filled to-do list: Who killed Elena Alves? Coming in a close second: How many new pieces from Grace Fraser’s […]

Fargo Finale Recap: Crime Doesn’t Pay (Plus, a Post-Credits Easter Egg!)

RELATED STORIES Fargo capped off its fourth season by popping a cap in quite a few characters, as more than one criminal got their just desserts. (And we don’t mean an ipecac-laced pie.) Sunday’s finale begins by flashing back through all the (many) people who have died this season — R.I.P., Rabbi Milligan; good riddance, […]

Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 Finale Recap: Did It Kick ‘Asset’?

I’ll admit it right upfront: The Walking Dead: World Beyond made me eat my words. (Ketchup helped.) You may recall that after screening the premiere, I panned the second Walking Dead spinoff. And even at the end of Season 1, it could still get a little heavy-handed for my taste. But I’ll be damned if […]

Industry Finale Recap: Which Grads Survived RIF and Who Got the Axe?

RELATED STORIES The Industry grads’ trial run is over, and after countless hookups, drug binges and even a tragic death, their day of reckoning is finally here. While the graduates continue hustling for recommendations and massaging client relationships in preparation for RIF (reduction in force), their time to prove their worth is quickly running out. […]

The Crown Season 4 Finale Recap: A Vote of No Confidence — Plus, Grade It!

RELATED STORIES The Crown‘s Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher both find themselves betrayed by those closest to them as the Netflix royal drama wraps up Season 4 — are their reigns over already? The finale begins with Thatcher’s conservative allies openly revolting against her in Parliament, with Sir Geoffrey Howe resigning and condemning her “finger-wagging” […]

What Could Supernatural’s Series Finale Possibly Be About? CW Boss Teases a ‘Great’ Ending

After this week’s eventful penultimate episode of Supernatural, fans may very well be wondering what story is possibly left to tell in next Thursday’s series finale. After all, the second-to-last installment — spoiler alert! — wrapped up Dean and Sam’s battle against Chuck/God, sent Jack on a new journey and then ended on a warm, nostalgic […]