The Mandalorian Recap: Season 2 Finale Brings Surprises, Post-Credits Scene Teases a Different Season 3

RELATED STORIES The following recap, by the very definition of the word recap, contains major spoilers from The Mandalorian‘s Season 2 finale. The Mandalorian sought to rescue Grogu from Moff Gideon’s clutches in the Disney+ hit’s Season 2  finale — and along the way, he got an unexpected helping hand. A gloved helping hand, from no […]

Fargo Finale Recap: Crime Doesn’t Pay (Plus, a Post-Credits Easter Egg!)

RELATED STORIES Fargo capped off its fourth season by popping a cap in quite a few characters, as more than one criminal got their just desserts. (And we don’t mean an ipecac-laced pie.) Sunday’s finale begins by flashing back through all the (many) people who have died this season — R.I.P., Rabbi Milligan; good riddance, […]

‘Logan’ Director James Mangold Really, Really Hates Post-Credits Scenes

Post-credit scenes have become a big deal for comic book film fans, but there’s one comic book movie director who wants no part of them. Logan filmmaker James Mangold recently took some time to express his thoughts on the post-credit craze, and let’s just say he didn’t pull any punches. Comic book movies didn’t invent post-credit […]

Justice League: Deleted post-credits scene REVEALED – What does it mean for Green Lantern?

WARNING SPOILERS FOR JUSTICE LEAGUE AHEAD Following in Marvel’s footsteps, the DC Extended Universe movie now has its own end-credits scenes to tease the next movies in the franchise. Justice League had a couple, with the first being a mid-credit scene of Superman and Flash racing each other to the Pacific coast. However the post-credits […]

‘Justice League’ Post-Credits Scene Explained

The DC cinematic universe has avoided post-credits scenes thus far. The closest they’ve come is a mid-credits scene in last year’s Suicide Squad. But Justice League, WB’s biggest superhero movie yet, is taking a page out of the Marvel playbook: it features a mid-credits scene and a post-credits scene. Since the movie is in theaters now, let’s talk […]

‘Justice League’ Has a Post-Credits Scene, Jason Momoa Explains His Approach to Aquaman

Warner Bros. and DC Films’ game plan seems to have been to differentiate themselves from Marvel Studios while still attempting to capitalize on that interconnected cinematic universe business model. One identifiable aspect of Marvel Studios movies is their post-credits scenes; DC avoided those for Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Wonder Woman, but compromised with […]

Star Wars Last Jedi: Will Episode 8 have a post-credits scene?

The extra tidbits of footage are incredibly popular will studios such as Marvel, but Lucasfilm’s saga has never followed suit. But could that change with the new chapter? In a word, no. Johnson was asked on Twitter: “can we expect an end credit scene in The Last Jedi??” “Nah,” he replied. “Doesn’t feel like something […]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 DELETED post-credits scene REVEALED by director James Gunn

Marvel fans who have already seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 will know the end credits had not just one, but five extra scenes. Now it turns out there was a sixth, which director Gunn recently revealed in an interview. Speaking with USA Today, the filmmaker said the deleted scene included Steve Agee’s Gef […]

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige on Crafting Great Post-Credits Scenes [Interview]

A few weeks ago, I sat down with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige at the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 press junket, and we discussed a variety of things. We talked about how the Marvel tradition of post-credits scenes started, and how they are developed before, during and sometimes after filming. I also asked him […]