These 17 stocks have the highest exposure to emerging markets

dibrova/Shutterstock HSBC released its list of US stocks with the highest exposure to emerging markets. The companies on the list have an average exposure of 65% of total revenues and the entire list has outperformed the broader US market by 20%. Much of that performance is driven by the fact that many of these stocks […]

More young Aussies watch porn, boys’ first exposure at about 13yo – study

More Australian youths are regularly watching porn and are exposed at quite an early age – 13 for boys and 16 for girls, a new study reveals. The researchers doubt the effectiveness of mechanisms meant to protect younger audiences from adult content. Burnet Institute researcher Dr. Megan Lim, who headed the study of 940 Australians […]

UK heatwave warning: Too much sun exposure can cause BLINDNESS

Opticians are urging British people to beware the harmful effects of too much sun exposure on their eyes. This is because its ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause macular damage. The most common form is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It’s the leading cause of sight loss in the developed world. While smoking, a poor diet and […]

United Airlines changes cockpit codes after exposure on public website

Published time: 15 May, 2017 22:04 United Airlines is changing the keypad codes used to open cockpit doors after they were accidentally posted on a public website. An airline spokeswoman said the breach wasn’t the result of a hack. “We are working to change the codes on all of our aircraft,” United Airlines spokeswoman Maddie […]