A new type of breast cancer treatment could help stop the spread of a highly aggressive form of the disease

Eric Gaillard/Reuters Researchers from Princeton University discovered a new breast cancer treatment method that could stop the spread of an especially aggressive form of the disease called triple-negative breast cancer. The new method uses a naturally occurring protein called Tingal1 to block the passageways in which triple-negative breast cancer could spread to other areas of […]

‘It was made to seem like getting a haircut’: Patient says breast implant sales pitch glossed over risks

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world, with 10 million women opting for breast implants during the past decade. We took hidden cameras into the offices of three Toronto plastic surgeons to review how they explain and sell the procedure.

Research links rare cancer to breast implants, but Health Canada says no safety advisory is needed

At least 25 Canadian women have developed a rare cancer linked to breast implants — and almost all of them had the same type of textured implant, according to researchers. But Health Canada has no plans to remove this implant from the market or to directly alert Canadian women who have the implants, an investigation […]

Google AI can spot advanced breast cancer more effectively than humans

Google has delivered further evidence that AI could become a valuable ally in detecting cancer. The company’s researchers have developed a deep learning tool that can spot metastatic (advanced) breast cancer with a greater accuracy than pathologists when looking at slides. The team trained its algorithm (Lymph Node Assistant, aka LYNA) to recognize the characteristics […]

Breast cancer symptoms: Spot early signs and reduce risks of a mammogram with this test

Breast cancer symptoms usually first appear as a lump or an area of thickened tissue in the breast. But 90 per cent of breast lumps aren’t cancerous, according to the NHS, which can make knowing for definite if you have breast cancer difficult. Women are required to get checked for breast cancer every three years once […]

Bikes, backpacks and breast pumps: The realities of adventures after kids

Kristin Kent September 3, 2018 Share this article After her own existential crisis following an adventure gone awry, new mother Kristin Kent reached out to other mothers to find out how they got back on their proverbial (and literal) bikes. I had an existential crisis on a fat bike. After 10 months of caring for […]