White House downplays talk of executive order targeting internet bias

Is President Trump looking at an executive order that would investigate internet companies over his accusations of political bias? Not officially… although the government isn’t strictly denying the claims, either. After Bloomberg reported the existence of a draft order, deputy White House press secretary Lindsey Walters issued a statement that the document was “not the […]

Alex Winter Downplays ‘Bill and Ted 3’ Production Worries from Keanu Reeves [TCA 2018]

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter have been talking about doing Bill and Ted 3 for years. It finally seemed like a go when director Dean Parisot signed on and the film, titled Bill and Ted Face the Music, was greenlit for production. Then last week Reeves said he didn’t know if it would become a […]

Bill Clinton downplays ill-tempered NBC interview on Monica Lewinsky, says he ‘got hot under the collar’

Bill Clinton lashed out yesterday at an NBC interviewer who was grilling him on the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He told NBC’s Craig Melvin that he “ignored gaping facts” in describing the scandal and was “giving one side” of the story. Clinton made headlines by saying he still does not feel the need to apologize to […]

White House downplays worries about stock market plunge, says ‘the fundamentals of this economy are very strong’

Michael Nagle/Getty Images White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah played down concern over the stock market’s intense sell-off. Shah told reporters “markets do fluctuate” and “the fundamentals of this economy are very strong.” White House officials are downplaying the recent chaos in the stock market, saying its a short-term wobble and the US economy […]

Apple downplays processor flaws across all Mac, iOS, TV, and Watch devices

While Intel, Google, ARM, and Microsoft rushed to issue both public statements and patches addressing the Meltdown and Spectre processor security exploits, Apple took the opposite tack, waiting more than a day to quietly downplay the gigantic story using a tech support document — without a corresponding press release or public statement. In short, the number of […]

BlackBerry downplays Toyota's use of rival AGL infotainment

TORONTO – BlackBerry Ltd is downplaying news that Toyota is adopting rival software for its future vehicle consoles, saying it was more focused on the faster-growing market for autonomous driving technology. Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), a collaborative effort of some 100 technology companies and automakers, said last week that Toyota would start using its open-source […]

Instagram CEO downplays criticism that it copied Snapchat

If you’ve gotten Instagram and Snapchat confused recently, you’d be forgiven: Even Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom acknowledges that there are similarities between the two services. Instagram might have taken inspiration from Snapchat, but Systrom claims that there was no copying involved. “It would be crazy if we saw something that worked with consumers that was […]