South Park Tackles the Coronavirus, Police Defunding and More in Utterly Insane Pandemic Special — Grade It

RELATED STORIES For months, South Park fans have wondered how the Comedy Central staple would tackle the current state of the world. After Wednesday’s pandemic special, they finally have their answer — and it’s horrifying. Naturally, everyone in South Park takes a slightly different approach to the pandemic. Randy sees it as a business opportunity, […]

Seth Meyers Blasts Trump For Proposed Meals on Wheels Defunding: 'How Dead Do You Have to Be Inside?'

Seth Meyers served President Trump a fresh plate of Whoop Ass Thursday night for unveiling a budget blueprint that, if approved, would defund one of the country’s most revered charities, Meals on Wheels. “How dead do you have to be inside to not want old people to get food?” Meyers wondered aloud in the latest segment of his Closer […]

Trump ready to use defunding ‘weapon’ against immigrant sanctuary cities & states (VIDEO)

California could see its federal funding reduced to a trickle if it votes to become a so-called sanctuary state, with President Donald Trump saying that he might use defunding as a “weapon” to deter local and state authorities from refusing to abide by federal immigration laws. President Trump covered a number of topics in a […]