‘Underwater Chernobyl’: Norway burying Nazi submarine in sand to stem leak of toxic chemicals

A Dutch firm has been commissioned by the Norwegian government to bury a sunken Nazi submarine in sand to stop the 1,800 barrels of toxic chemicals onboard from leaking into the sea. More than 60 years after the 2,400-ton U-boat was torpedoed by the British Navy off the coast of Norway, the vessel continues to […]

Flight secrets: The chemicals found on every flight that will save your life

Flight secrets have revealed some of the best ways to stay safe on a plane, from where to sit to what to wear. Experts have revealed choosing sensible footwear and counting the seats between the exits could save a passenger’s life. One important aspect of an emergency situation is the oxygen mask which drops when […]

State of emergency in Michigan county as tested water is 20 times the safe level for PFAS chemicals

A state of emergency has been declared in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, after high levels of man-made PFAS chemicals were found in the drinking water in two towns. The contaminants pose severe health risks and can lead to cancer. Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley announced the state of emergency on Sunday although high concentrations of per- and […]

EPA boots reporters from meeting on chemicals called a PR disaster

Enlarge / US EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. (credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr) Scott Pruitt’s tenure as head of the US’ Environmental Protection Agency has often been bogged down in scandals involving questionable spending and the unjustifiable rollback of regulations. But the latest controversy is one the agency’s own making. This morning, Pruitt was speaking at […]

'No release of chemicals is best proof there were none' – employee of bombed Syrian research site

An engineer at the now-bombed-out research facility north of Damascus, which the US claims was the heart of Syria’s chemical weapons program, says the labs were making medicine and testing toys for safety. RT Arabic correspondents have visited one of the main targets of the US-led missile attack on Syria, the Scientific Studies and Research […]

CHEMICALS WARNING: Exposure could be linked to brain development disorders in children

A number of common chemicals can have a knock-on effect with thyroid hormone actions in pregnant women. This is key in brain development in foetuses and young children, according to a report published in Endocrine Connections. Rising levels of chemical production has led to “widespread environmental chemical contamination,” according to the review. The review warned […]

Cancer warning: Cooking with this type of oil releases toxic chemicals linked to disease

CANCER is a disease where cells in the body grow out of control. Signs and symptoms differ depending on where in the body you have a growth. Certain things have been found to increase risk of the disease developing, including cooking your food in a certain oil.

St. Louis police can’t use chemicals on non-violent protesters, judge rules

Published time: 15 Nov, 2017 21:57 A federal judge has blocked St. Louis, Missouri police from using chemical agents against non-violent demonstrations or to punish protesters engaged in free expression. Several protesters have sued the police over a crackdown on demonstrations. US District Judge Catherine D. Perry ruled Wednesday that police are not allowed to […]