CHEMICALS WARNING: Exposure could be linked to brain development disorders in children

A number of common chemicals can have a knock-on effect with thyroid hormone actions in pregnant women. This is key in brain development in foetuses and young children, according to a report published in Endocrine Connections. Rising levels of chemical production has led to “widespread environmental chemical contamination,” according to the review. The review warned […]

This Morning fans in uproar after star calls eating disorders ‘popular’: ‘Unbelievable'

The ITV favourite came under fire from fans following his appearance on the Second Opinion segment, advising people about how best to deal with illnesses. As he addressed mental health issues, Dr Ranj made an unfortunate faux pas. “So many people are affected by mental health, about one in four people,” he revealed. “The commonest disorders we are […]

France introduces photoshop law to combat eating disorders

Published time: 1 Oct, 2017 18:29 The use of photoshopped images to make people look thinner must now carry a warning telling consumers that the photo has been altered, according to a new law introduced in France. First approved in January 2016, the legislation is part of the government’s two-pronged approach to combat anorexia in […]

Tackle football before age 12 may boost risks of cognitive, mood disorders

Enlarge / Youth Pee-Wee football players wait to take the field. (credit: Getty | Kirby Lee) Taking hard knocks early in life could shove football players toward neurological problems later, a new study suggests. Among 214 former amateur and professional male football players, those who started playing early—particularly before the age of 12—had greater risks […]

First Canada-wide study of first responders suggests much higher frequency of mental disorders

Results from Canada’s first national survey looking at operational stress injuries among first responders such as police, paramedics, firefighters and 911 operators suggest they are much more likely to develop a mental disorder than the general population. CBC | Health News

Statins in new link to back disorders, says new study

Tests on thousands of people showed as many as one in 17 of those on statins had back issues, including disc and spine conditions serious enough to be identifiable on scans. These included painful disc herniations, debilitating narrowing of the spinal canal, and bulging discs. The research saw 60,455 patients examined, with the results published […]