GOP governors migrant relocation efforts mirror ‘Reverse Freedom Rides’ used by southern segregationists in the 1960s, advocates says

Volunteers mingle outside of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Two planes of migrants from Venezuela arrived suddenly Wednesday night on Martha's Vineyard. Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images Florida Gov. Desantis flew 50 migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard.  The migrants told NPR that they were under the impression they were going to Boston for […]

Advocates urge more support for Yazidi refugees suffering seizures from PTSD

Yazidi refugees are suffering from high rates of a rare condition brought on by psychological trauma known as pseudoseizures, advocates and doctors say. Now, they want the government to do more to reunite them with their families and improve access to mental health supports.

Safety Advocates Getting Testy Over Automotive Apps, Consumer Data

Automakers began hunting for new revenue streams about two milliseconds after realizing they could put the internet into vehicles. While the earliest endeavors involved ride-sharing applications and new infotainment features, companies are now beginning to see new opportunities via automotive e-commerce, data acquisition, and in-car marketing. However, the delivery system used for these new sources […]