GOP governors migrant relocation efforts mirror ‘Reverse Freedom Rides’ used by southern segregationists in the 1960s, advocates says

Volunteers mingle outside of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Two planes of migrants from Venezuela arrived suddenly Wednesday night on Martha's Vineyard. Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images Florida Gov. Desantis flew 50 migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard.  The migrants told NPR that they were under the impression they were going to Boston for […]

British diplomats to use US Embassy in Jerusalem despite opposing relocation – report

The UK diplomats in Israel will do their business with Americans through the newly-inaugurated embassy in Jerusalem, a UK minister reportedly said. The UK snubbed the grand opening, voicing criticism over the move. While being the US’ closest European ally, Britain joined the international community in boycotting the unveiling ceremony of the US Embassy in […]

CIA & MI6 may offer Skripals new IDs, relocation to Five Eyes country – report

US and British intelligence agencies may offer Sergei and Yulia Skripal new identities and relocation to a Five Eyes country, according to reports. The US is the most likely option, as they are “less likely to be killed there.” Former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia will be offered relocation to the US […]

Guatemala announces relocation of its embassy to Jerusalem

Published time: 24 Dec, 2017 23:52 Edited time: 25 Dec, 2017 00:02 Despite the furore over Washington’s controversial decision to recognize the sacred city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Guatemala has decided to follow suit, announcing plans to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv. Following a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday, […]

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital, but delay embassy relocation – reports

Published time: 6 Dec, 2017 02:16 Edited time: 6 Dec, 2017 02:27 President Donald Trump is expected to announce official US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday, according to various reports citing US and White House officials. The US embassy, however, will not be relocated immediately. Read more The US embassy move from […]

US delegation visits Israel to examine potential embassy relocation to Jerusalem – reports

Published time: 5 Mar, 2017 03:39 An American congressional delegation has arrived in Israel on a short weekend visit during which they will assess the possibility of relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, local media report. Read more Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who chairs the subcommittee on National Security for the US […]