On the Menu: Hot, Buttery Worms

Juan José Aniceto Cueva isn’t your typical master chef. When he attends international food conferences, he dons an Amazonian head band and a tooth necklace, and paints his face with intricate indigenous designs. His ingredients are also eye-catching: live worms, guayusa leaves and palmito. But for Aniceto, there is nothing unusual or folclórico about this […]

WCry ransomware worm’s Bitcoin take tops $70k as its spread continues

(credit: fdecomite) WCry, the National Security Agency exploit-powered ransomware worm that began spreading worldwide on Friday, had reportedly affected hundreds of thousands of computers before the weekend, but the malware had only brought in about $ 20,000 in ransom payments. However, as the world returned to the office on Monday, those payments have been rapidly […]

Sushi lovers have been warned about raw fish parasites after a man was found with disgusting worms in his gut

Deliveroo Doctors have warned that the growing popularity of sushi in Western diets could lead to a rise in parasitic infections. Writing in the British journal The BMJ Case Reports, Lisbon-based researchers found a healthy 32-year-old man became violently ill after eating raw fish. The man was admitted to the hospital after suffering severe abdominal pain, vomiting, […]

It’s in the genes: Worms pass ‘memories’ down through generations – study

Published time: 21 Apr, 2017 18:23 Changes in an animal’s physiology could potentially be passed down through more than a dozen generations, according to new research on the impact of the environment on genes. A study led by the Centre of Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, found that environmental ‘memories’ can be passed on in […]

MTV's Fear Factor Revival to Replace Worms With… Ruined Cell Phones?

Seriously, are we being Punk’d? MTV on Wednesday announced that it has ordered new episodes of the competition series Fear Factor, to be hosted by rapper and Fate of the Furious star Ludacris — and throw out the gross-out. RELATED Report: American Idol Revival Not Moving Forward at NBC or Fox Per The Hollywood Reporter, the 12-episode revival (premiering Tuesday, May 30 […]

Concern growing for brain-invading worms, spread by slugs and rats

Adult female worm of Angiostrongylus cantonensis recovered from rat lungs with characteristic barber-pole appearance (anterior end of worm is to the top). Scale bar = 1 mm. (credit: Lindo et al.) There have been six cases of a rare parasitic infection called “rat lungworm” in Maui in the last three months, health officials reported this […]

Could worms be behind a mysterious outbreak of a seizure disorder in kids?

Enlarge / A nurse distributes medicine, ivermectin, against onchocerciasis or river blindness, caused by a parasitic worm and spread by the bite of an infected blackfly. (credit: Getty | ISSOUF SANOGO) Since the 1990s, doctors and researchers have puzzled over a distinct form of epilepsy that started popping up in clusters of kids across South […]

Worms studio Team17 will publish indie sci-fi city builder Aven Colony

The company behind gun-wielding worms is helping another small studio get its game to the world. Team17 announced today that it will publish the indie game Aven Colony, which has players creating and managing cities on alien planets. It’s yet another example of a long-running indie studio becoming a publisher by taking on another indie […]