Trump claims ‘forged ballots’ have ‘infected’ Florida recounts of governor & Senate votes

Recounts to decide Florida’s next governor and senator have been tainted by foul play, Donald Trump has claimed, sparking accusations that the president is undermining the democratic process by pushing conspiracies. Ascending once again to his presidential Twitter pulpit, Donald Trump wrote on Monday that the Florida recounts were a sham and that the elections […]

Billionaire Marc Benioff celebrates after San Francisco votes for new tax that will take millions from big tech firms to solve the city’s homelessness crisis

Kimberly White / Stringer Proposition C, a measure which will tax San Francisco’s largest companies in order to combat homelessness, passed on Tuesday. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff has been a vocal proponent of Prop C and hailed the victory in a tweet. Prop C would target Salesforce, which Benioff has estimated will pay between $ […]

KAVANAUGH IS CONFIRMED: Embattled Supreme Court nominee secures 50 votes in the Senate

Getty Images Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court the votes of 50 senators, bringing to a close weeks of bitter partisan fights and protests over the nominee, who faced multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and doubts about his truthfulness under oath.  A conservative who served in President George W. Bush’s White House, […]

Palin, Rice mull challenging Alaska & Maine senators whose Kavanaugh votes sparked outrage

America may see an interesting female showdown as a spin-off of the Brett Kavanaugh saga. Susan Rice and Sarah Palin hinted they may run against Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who voted in a way they deem unacceptable. The soap opera begins with Susan Collins (R-ME), who was initially sitting on the fence when […]

Senate votes to advance embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final vote

Zach Gibson/Getty Images The US Senate has voted to invoke cloture on the confirmation of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by a narrow 51-49 margin. Kavanaugh is now guaranteed a final vote after no more than 30 hours of floor debate, meaning the final floor vote on his confirmation could occur as soon as Saturday night.  […]

World Anti-Doping Agency votes to reinstate Russia

The World Anti-Doping Agency reinstated Russia on Thursday despite a wave of protests, ending the nearly three-year suspension of the country's drug-testing program because of a state-sponsored doping scheme. WADA's decision after a vote of its 12-member executive committee was called "the greatest treachery against clean athletes in Olympic history" by the lawyer of the […]

‘This bigoted fool should get ZERO votes’: Ted Cruz backs Democrat over Nazi GOP in Illinois

Ted Cruz may have urged voters to choose a Democratic candidate instead of a self-confessed Nazi running for a congressional seat in Illinois, but the internet is giving him very little credit for speaking out. Cruz took to Twitter to condemn Arthur Jones, the Holocaust-denying Republican candidate for the third district of Illinois, ahead of […]

First in the West: Canada votes to legalize recreational cannabis, lifting 95yo ban

Both chambers of the Canadian parliament have voted to approve the bill, paving the way for recreational use of marijuana and its cultivation, including home growth. To become law, it needs a largely formal royal approval. The Canadian non-elected Senate passed the bill, commonly known as the Cannabis Act, on Tuesday, with 52 votes in […]

Fed-up AMA doctors overwhelmingly support gun restrictions in sweeping votes

Enlarge / Semi-automatic long guns for sale are on display at Texas Gun, one of the 6,700 firearm dealers located near the 2,000 miles long U.S.-Mexico border. (credit: Getty | Gilles Mingasson ) The doctors are in—and frustrated, according to a series of votes at the American Medical Association’s annual policymaking meeting wrapping up in […]

EPA Scientific Advisory Board votes to review auto emission decision

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