Homes Under The Hammer presenters 2019: Who hosts Homes Under The Hammer?

Homes Under the Hammer 2019 is back for its 16th year on BBC  One. The show first aired in 2003 and there have been more than 1,200 episodes of the property show. Homes Under The Hammer follows members of the public who purchase properties at an auction, many of which often require refurbishment. At the […]

Netflix’s LA office reportedly under lockdown due to active shooter

According to tweets from people in the area and reports by local news station KTLA, the Los Angeles offices of Netflix have been locked down due to reports of a person with a deadly weapon in the area. KTLA is also on lockdown as its offices are nearby, and has reported on Twitter that police […]

Woman caught hiding 24 gerbils under her SKIRT by customs officers after flight from China

In what must have been the most uncomfortable flight outfit ever, the 60 year old was found with her menagerie of rodents squirming around her thighs. She was stopped by customs officers who quickly became aware of something untoward. The passenger had finished a trip to China and returned to Taiwanese island Kinmen, very nearly […]

More bodies have been pulled from under an Indonesian landslide that has left 15 dead and 20 missing

AFP/Getty Images Six more bodies have been recovered from beneath tons of mud after a landslide devastated a village on Indonesia’s main island of Java, bringing the death toll to 15. Following recent torrential rains, the landslide struck just before dark on Monday, crashing down the surrounding hillside and burying more than 30 houses in […]

Washington will be the fifth state to ban assault riles for buyers under 21 after gun violence killed 14,577 people in 2018

Elaine Thompson/AP Washington state has now banned anyone under 21 from buying a semi-automatic assault rifle, effective Wednesday. The new measures come as 14,577 were killed from gun-related violence in the US in 2018, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive. A spokesperson at the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility called the new law […]

7 people trapped under twin avalanche in Russia’s Far East

Five people have been rescued by emergency services after being covered by an avalanche on Friday in Russia’s Khabarovsk region. However, seven people remain trapped under the snow, as search efforts continue, local emergency services told TASS. Over 50 people, including locals and staff from the nearby gold mining plant, are helping in the rescue. […]