Protests erupt outside the Supreme Court and Capitol as Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in

Alex Brandon/AP Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Saturday by 50-48 votes in the Senate. He was sworn in that evening in a private ceremony. Before, during, and after the vote, protesters and activists flooded the areas outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol to oppose his confirmation. Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has […]

Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford say their client is not interested in seeing Brett Kavanaugh impeached from the Supreme Court

Win McNamee/Getty Images Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford say their client is not interested in murmurings that Democrats may seek to impeach Judge Brett Kavanaugh if they reclaim the House of Representatives in the November midterm elections. “Professor Ford has not asked for anything of the sort,” attorney Debra Katz said to CNN. “What she […]

2 Supreme Court justices who will soon share the bench with Brett Kavanaugh spoke about partisanship on the high court

Allison Shelley/Getty Images Supreme Court justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan gave remarks about their experiences on the nation’s highest court, and talked specifically about the idea of political bias on the bench. Justice Sotomayor said “we have to rise above partisanship in our personal relationships.” Sotomayor spoke broadly about how Supreme Court justices need […]

Senate votes to advance embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final vote

Zach Gibson/Getty Images The US Senate has voted to invoke cloture on the confirmation of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by a narrow 51-49 margin. Kavanaugh is now guaranteed a final vote after no more than 30 hours of floor debate, meaning the final floor vote on his confirmation could occur as soon as Saturday night.  […]

'F*ck Kavanaugh' lipstick and 4 other below-the-belt attacks on embattled Supreme Court nominee

Many might have felt that the Senate hearing was humiliation enough for Brett Kavanaugh, at least until he is actually found guilty of any crime. For others, it was just the beginning. Campaigning cosmetics F*ck Kavanaugh lipstick is definitely empowered female anger, and not tone-lowering opportunism. After all what could be more defiant than the […]

The Supreme Court dealt a major blow to a billionaire California venture capitalist who bought and closed a beach that had been open to the public

Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch The Supreme Court refused to hear a case involving a California billionaire who had been ordered to restore public access to a beach he owns in Northern California.  The property, known to locals as Martins Beach, used to be a popular spot for surfing and fishing.  Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod […]

India's Supreme Court lifts ban prohibiting women of menstruating age from entering Hindu temple

India’s Supreme Court has nixed a ban which prohibited women from entering a prominent Hindu temple if they were of menstruating age. The temple’s authorities say they will appeal the ruling. Although the 12th century Sabarimala temple in the southern state of Kerala attracts tens of millions of pilgrims every year, women who are in […]

Trump orders FBI to reopen background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh

President Donald Trump has given FBI one week to conduct investigation of the allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman in 1980s. The decision comes after  Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines in favor of the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after emotional testimonies from the judge and […]

Leading Catholic publication turns on Brett Kavanaugh, says his nomination to the Supreme Court should be withdrawn

A leading Catholic publication said Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court should be withdrawn. The move comes after a day of impassioned testimony from Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused him of sexual assault. The editors of America Magazine, a leading Catholic publication, said if lawmakers move forward […]

Brett Kavanaugh dodged questions about recusing himself from Supreme Court cases on the Russia investigation

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the third day of his Senate confirmation hearings dodged questions about whether he would recuse himself from cases related to the special counsel Robert Mueller or the Russia investigation if they reach the Supreme Court. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey posed the question on Thursday, asking Kavanaugh […]