Staged photos show Khashoggi’s son shaking hands with the Saudi Crown Prince, who many believe ordered his father’s murder

SPA Saudi state media on Tuesday published staged photos of the son of slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Saudi king and crown prince. The photos of Salah Khashoggi meeting Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman come as the kingdom admitted to Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, but claimed it was a result of […]

Opposition rally staged in Moscow

Over a thousand people gathered in central Moscow on Sunday to join a protest organized by several opposition activist groups. Around 1,700 demonstrators took part in the rally on Sakharov Avenue, according to the Moscow police department. The event organizers called on various opposition movements to unite, urging authorities to solve some ecological and housing […]

Lamborghinis lined the street outside a massive NYC cryptocurrency conference, but it turns out they were only staged rentals

Robertus Pudyanto/Getty Images Lamborghinis were spotted parked outside New York’s blockchain conference Consensus this week. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts (and others) have long revered the Lamborghini as an aspirational symbol of wealth. But it turns out that the Lamborghinis in question didn’t actually belong to any of the attendees: They were staged rentals. Lamborghinis have long been […]

Another staged body cam leads to 43 more dropped Baltimore prosecutions

Enlarge / Shallow depth of field image taken of yellow law enforcement line with police car and lights in the background. (credit: carlballou/Getty Images) A Baltimore Police Department officer has “self-reported” a staged body cam vide. This brings the number of fabricated body cam videos rocking the agency to at least three. In this most […]

Watch a cop’s staged body cam footage made “to look like it was done in real-time“

(video link) On Thursday, Ars reported on a Pueblo, Colorado police officer who staged body camera footage and ultimately forced prosecutors to dismiss felony drug and weapon-possession against a suspect (PDF). Now the body cam footage of Pueblo Police Department Officer Seth Jensen, which was used in court, is being published exclusively by Ars Technica. The video above […]