Trump on China abolishing presidential term limits: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday’

Associated Press/Chuck Burton President Donald Trump in a private speech to Republican donors on Saturday floated the idea of abolishing presidential term limits. Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping for consolidating power, saying, “Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.” Trump also used the speech to bash his former opponent Hillary Clinton and insult former […]

This ‘tricorder kit’ could let you diagnose pneumonia at home someday

A seven-member team, including one emergency room doctor, won $ 2.6 million this week for their new tricorder-esque invention called the DxtER. The iPad-based system weighs less than five pounds and can diagnose 34 health conditions, including urinary tract infections, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. They created it for the XPrize Competition, which […]

Uber May Someday Give Californians Rides in Totally Driverless 12-Passenger Shuttles

– Uber could be offering autonomous rides in California in the future, thanks to a pilot test of completely driverless shuttles and some friendly legislation. – The vehicles are EasyMile EZ10s, 12-person electric shuttles capable of driving at speeds up to 30 mph without an operator. Like Uber’s self-driving Volvos, which are already giving rides in […]