Here’s the Star Trek Tricorder that won the $3 million Qualcomm Xprize

Basil Harris is like a real-world Dr. McCoy. He and his small team at Final Frontier Medical Devices have created a Star Trek Tricorder, like the fictional one that Bones McCoy carried around in the TV series decades ago. And they did such a good job in their five-year journey that they recently won a […]

This ‘tricorder kit’ could let you diagnose pneumonia at home someday

A seven-member team, including one emergency room doctor, won $ 2.6 million this week for their new tricorder-esque invention called the DxtER. The iPad-based system weighs less than five pounds and can diagnose 34 health conditions, including urinary tract infections, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. They created it for the XPrize Competition, which […]