Sticky hydrogel could revolutionize knee surgery

Two teams of researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have created a material that can help heal damaged cartilages more effectively. See, when a cartilage gets damaged, it needs all the extra help it can get. It doesn’t heal itself like other soft tissues do, so any injury that involves one requires […]

The interface of tech and biotech has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, but there’s still something missing

Bayer The technology industry is becoming increasingly embedded into the world of life sciences.  Axel Bouchon, who heads up Leaps by Bayer, an organization within Bayer focused on finding and funding breakthroughs, said he expects disruption of the healthcare industry within the decade to come from the intersection of tech and biotech.  “The potential of […]

Could This Quantum Physicist Revolutionize Power Grids?

Physicist Suchitra Sebastian speaks with OZY after a monthlong journey along the Silk Route. At one point, she found herself stranded at the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border, denied entry into Kyrgyzstan. Undeterred, she traveled through the night, attempting to re-enter Kyrgyzstan through Russia and was stopped periodically by rifle-armed guards. Even in her research, Sebastian feels drawn […]

In the palm of your hand: Wearable thumb tech to revolutionize how we text

Published time: 30 Nov, 2017 15:11 Technology that allows people to write text messages using numbers and letters traced on their palm is being trialed by scientists in the US – a breakthrough that could inspire a whole new era for SMS. Researchers from Georgia Tech published a video demonstration of its groundbreaking ‘Fingersound’ device […]

Robomed sees blockchain as a way to revolutionize health care contracts and payments

Blockchain technologies are slowly seeping into every conceivable market. And if one Russian company succeeds, the health care industry will be the next to be feel the impact of this new technology. Robomed Network, a Moscow-based startup founded by health care entrepreneur Philipp Mironovich, has launched an initial coin offering using Ethereum to raise $ […]

Voice interfaces will revolutionize patient engagement

GUEST: The healthcare industry is abuzz over consumer engagement and empowerment, spurred by a strong belief that when patients become more engaged in their own care, better outcomes and reduced costs will result. Nevertheless, from the perspective of many patients, navigating the healthcare ecosystem is anything but easy. Consider the familiar use case of booking […]

Engines with Small, Individual Turbos for Each Cylinder Could Revolutionize Downsizing

– From the October 2017 issue – Downsized turbocharged engines have become a cornerstone in the car industry’s effort to increase fuel economy. And as CAFE stand­ards push us toward a 54.5-mpg fleet average, engines are bound to get even smaller and turbo boost even higher. Such radically downsized engines can be strong at full […]

Google acquisition boosts AIMatter’s efforts to revolutionize image processing

GUEST: At the beginning of the year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai discussed the company’s key areas of focus. He said that, aside from allocating some funds for investments in AR, VR, and cloud technologies, Google will be an “AI first” company. This statement could very well explain one of Google’s latest takeovers. Google has acquired […]

3D printing will revolutionize how the Marine Corps fights

“The people closest to the problem are also the people closest to the solution,” Capt. Chris Wood, co-lead for Additive Manufacturing with the US Marine Corps, told Engadget. In 2016, the USMC put that adage to the test as it launched the Logistics Innovation Challenge, a program “to solicit ideas from Marines, sailors and civilians […]