Academics created a periodic table of mind-blowing tech, and it’s a handy guide to how the world will change forever

Imperial College London Academics at Imperial Tech Foresight have created a periodic table of mind-blowing tech. The table is designed to be a visual conversation starter about where the world is going. It features 100 innovations, ranging from the benign and everyday, to the mind-blowing and potentially terrifying. Academics at Imperial Tech Foresight (ITF), an […]

The Periodic Table of Hybrids

– From the December 2017 issue – Hybrids, the kind with an electric motor and an engine, are the nerdiest of vehicles. Which got us thinking: Why not group all of them (at least the ones we remember) into a table that would make Dmitri Mendeleev proud? Unlike the periodic table of elements, this table […]