NYT sues FCC, says it hid evidence of Russia meddling in net neutrality repeal

Enlarge / FCC Chairman Ajit Pai speaks to the media after the vote to repeal net neutrality rules on December 14, 2017. (credit: Getty Images | Alex Wong ) The New York Times has sued the Federal Communications Commission over the agency’s refusal to release records that the Times believes might shed light on Russian […]

‘Russian meddling’: Alyssa Milano floats Moscow-Green Party conspiracy after Ohio vote

Lefty Alyssa Milano is reeling from what looks like another election loss for the Democrats in Ohio. The actress decided to take time to calmly analyse where her party went wrong. Only joking! She blamed Russians of course! The Republicans secured a narrow election win in a conservative area, where the party spent millions on […]

‘Russian meddling’: Alyssa Milano floats Moscow-Green Party conspiracy after Ohio vote

Lefty Alyssa Milano is reeling from what looks like another election loss for the Democrats in Ohio. The actress decided to take time to calmly analyse where her party went wrong. Only joking! She blamed Russians of course! The Republicans secured a narrow election win in a conservative area, where the party spent millions on […]

Trump holds Putin responsible for ‘meddling’ because ‘he’s in charge’ of Russia – interview

US President Donald Trump believes Vladimir Putin should be held responsible for alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election after all – since he is the president of Russia, Trump told CBS. The network teased a quote from Trump ahead of airing his interview with CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor, which was broadcast at […]

#WouldorWouldnt: Trump's election meddling U-turn sends Twitter into a frenzy

It only took moments for memes to flood Twitter after Donald Trump backtracked on alleged Russian meddling, correcting a sentence in which he had stated that there was no reason why Russia would have interfered in the election. The presidential U-turn, which he says was a simple case of using the word “would” when he […]

Trump preps for Putin meet at ‘magical’ Scottish golf course amid Russian meddling claims

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Trump is visiting his golf course in Scotland. He’s meeting with Russian president Vladamir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. A U.S. federal grand jury has charged 12 Russian intelligence officers with stealing data from the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. TURNBERRY/GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump was holed up […]

Meddling, anyone? US envoy to Berlin wants to ‘empower’ Europe’s conservatives, hails ‘awakening’

Washington’s rookie ambassador to Germany has stood by his words about “empowering” conservatives throughout Europe – after being accused of openly interfering in the internal politics of his host country. Richard Grenell has opened a new diplomatic can of worms, after being quoted by Breitbart London on Sunday as advocating for right-leaning governments throughout Europe. […]