Ukrainian radicals storm Russian cultural center in Kiev, burn Russian flag (PHOTOS)

Ukrainian right-wing extremists have burst into the building of the Russian international cultural agency in Kiev. The radicals burnt a Russian flag and wreaked havoc in the facility at a time when “children were there.” The intruders also vandalized an exhibition dedicated to the famous Russian opera singer, Feodor Chaliapin, Rossotrudnichestvo – the cultural agency in […]

New Kiev law marks shift ‘from sabotage to burial’ on Minsk deal – Russian senator

The new Ukrainian law on the reintegration of Donbass means an end to the Minsk peace deal and will likely lead to a new war in the southeast of the country, Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev warned. “By adopting the odious law on the reintegration of Donbass, the Verkhovna Rada [parliament] of Ukraine has effectively axed […]

Naked FEMEN activist goes full ‘Donald Trump’ in Kiev nuclear protest (VIDEO)

Published time: 5 Jan, 2018 16:29 A topless FEMEN activist braved the cold Ukrainian winter to impersonate Donald Trump outside the US embassy in Kiev on Friday. The near naked ‘Trump’ was helped clambour onto the US embassy sign by two clothed activists. ‘Trump’ carried a ‘nuclear football’ with her and had the words ‘Mr […]

Fugitive ex-Georgian leader Saakashvili detained in Kiev after supporters helped him break free

Published time: 8 Dec, 2017 21:48 Edited time: 8 Dec, 2017 22:02 The ex-president of Georgia turned Ukrainian opposition leader, Mikhail Saakashvili, has been recaptured in Kiev. Authorities put him on a wanted list after supporters helped him break free from police custody earlier this week. Saakashvili was placed in a temporary detention facility, General […]

Kiev blames booze & negligence as military suffers ‘terrifying’ number of non-combat casualties

Published time: 28 Oct, 2017 17:32 Ukraine’s chief military prosecutor said the armed forces and those who “defended the nation” with weapons sustained 10,103 non-battle casualties since 2014. The defense minister blamed alcohol abuse and failure to observe safety rules in some cases. The astounding number was revealed on Saturday by Anatoly Matios. “Between 2014 […]

Guns & explosives cache found in Kiev during turbulent mass protest

Published time: 18 Oct, 2017 03:41 The Ukrainian police force has reported finding a cache of assault rifles, ammo and explosives in the capital Kiev. Security officials say the weapons could have been used during Tuesday’s mass protest in the city center. The weapons were discovered during an ongoing investigation, according to a statement from […]

US mulls sending arms to Kiev, doesn’t view move as 'provocative' – US special envoy to Ukraine

Washington is considering sending “defensive” weapons to Ukraine, US special representative Kurt Volker says. He insists the potential move, long desired by Kiev, would not be “provocative.” It comes as Moscow warns against fueling Ukraine’s civil war. In an interview with the BBC on Tuesday, Volker, who was appointed by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson […]

Former Ukrainian PM predicts ‘imminent’ regime change in Kiev

Published time: 13 Jul, 2017 06:25 The rule of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is on the brink of collapse, former PM Nikolai Azarov says, noting a growing dissatisfaction with Poroshenko among the Ukrainian elite and his cabinet’s failure to improve the economy. “Everything is heading in the direction that the regime of Petro Poroshenko is […]

Huge water blast shoots from underground as pipe collapses in Kiev (VIDEO)

Published time: 30 May, 2017 23:34 The rupture of a water pipe in the Ukrainian capital resulted in a spectacular burst from underground, with a water jet reaching seven stories high, according to local media. The rupture of a water pipe in the Ukrainian capital resulted in a spectacular burst from underground, with a water […]

$1bn & 2 years: Estimates show Kiev would pay hefty price to block Russian social networks

Ukraine will have to dig deep into its pocket if it wants to see the controversial ban on popular Russian social network VKontakte and other online services implemented, the head of Ukraine’s internet association warned, estimating costs at $ 1 billion. The controversial bill, signed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko into law Tuesday, bans Russian […]