Arthritis: Five shoulder exercises to help you manage tender joints and pain

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of millions of people of all ages, including children. Symptoms range from joint pain, tenderness and stiffness to restricted movement of the joints. A common area of the body arthritis can manifest itself is in the shoulder. The pain can be debilitating and painkillers are often prescribed […]

Arthritis pain: Apply this oil to swelling around painful joints to ease inflammation

ARTHRITIS pain can be debilitating, causing stiffness, pain and swelling around the joints. Common places people get it include the knee, hip, back and hands. Painkillers are one recommendation by experts to get relief, but those wanting to try a more natural remedy may want to try ginger oil.

Arthritis symptoms: Best exercise for painful joints revealed – do more of this sport

Arthritis affects about 10 million people in the UK, according to the NHS. It’s a painful condition, caused by a gradual wearing down of the smooth cartilage that line the joints. Cartilage helps to make movement smoother for your joints. If it becomes worn or edgy, it can lead to joint pain and inflammation. Arthritis […]

Arthritis pain – these supplements could protect joints and reduce symptoms

Arthritis is a common condition that affects people of all ages, according to the NHS. Symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, tenderness, restricted movement, and having warm, red skin over affected joints. Types of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lips and psoriatic arthritis. While there isn’t a cure for arthritis, you can reduce your […]

Rheumatoid arthritis: Can cracking your knuckles cause future pain in joints?

RHEUMATOID arthritis pain can be debilitating with symptoms affecting joints in the body in a number of ways. It often starts in a person between the age of 40 and 50 years old, but unfortunately there is no cure. One myth is that cracking your knuckles and joints can lead to the condition happening in […]