NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images China reportedly arrested a man this week who criticized the country’s plan to scrap presidential term limits. This appears to be the first arrest of someone who has protested the plan, though at least one dissident was sent away on a forced “holiday” ahead of China’s annual legislature meeting this week. The […]
Tag: Jinping’s
Immortality, disagree, emigrate, and personality cult — here’s every word and phrase China censored after criticism of Xi Jinping’s potentially unending reign
GREG BAKER/AFP/Getty Images Earlier this week China announced it would be ending term limits for its president. That means President Xi Jinping, who was limited to two five-year terms like nearly all of his predecessors, can rule indefinitely. The change sparked a backlash online, with criticism flooding local Weibo and WeChat platforms. Unsurpringly, popular phrases were […]
China banned the letter N from the internet after people used it to attack Xi Jinping’s plan to rule forever
China censored the letter N from its internet for at least a day. The ban came as China cracked down on online discussion over the Chinese Communist Party’s proposal to scrap presidential term limits. Abolishing term limits would allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely. It’s not entirely clear why the government targeted N, but […]
Xi Jinping’s China was already aggressive, but it could be ‘turned up to 11’ without term limits
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images Chinese President Xi Jinping has cleared the way for himself to rule over China indefinitely by scrapping term limits. China has already used its state-run media to silence dissenters or anyone critical of Xi. Xi has introduced a “much more aggressive international posture,” and he’s now expected to keep it up indefinitely. […]