Cancer news: Jodie Kidd blasts ‘stiff British upper lip’ to incurable illnesses

JODIE KIDD is supporting a new campaign to raise awareness of the importance of modern treatments for incurable cancer patients, by talking about the ‘precious’ time she spent with her sister-in-law Sandy who died earlier this year. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Cancer news: Jodie Kidd blasts 'stiff British upper lip' to incurable illnesses

GETTY Cancer treatment: Jodie Kidd is raising awareness about incurable cancers Jodie Kidd has spoken out about the lessons she has learnt from losing her sister-in-law to cancer earlier this year. The 38-year-old TV presenter and former model revealed how she regrets not making the most of Sandy’s last months alive before losing her to […]

10 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Struggle Through Mental Illnesses

The social stigma around mental illness prevails despite one in five Americans suffering from some form of cognitive disorder. Perhaps there’s no better way to change people’s perception of mental health than examples of wildly successful people who worked through similar situations. The people on this list are exceptional leaders and successful entrepreneurs in their […]

Walmart uses ‘brutally unfair’ system to punish employees for illnesses ‒ report

Walmart is facing a battery of bad news about its treatment of employees, just in time for its annual shareholder meeting. A labor rights group says the company has an illegal sick leave policy, while workers wonder if racism plays a role in scheduling. As America’s largest private employer, with 1.5 million employees, Walmart has […]