Bill Barr says a special master won’t fundamentally change much for Trump and represents a ‘rain delay for a couple of innings’

William Barr served as US attorney general under former President Donald Trump. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Bill Bar said it's unlikely a special master will compromise the outcome of the Mar-a-Lago probe. The former attorney general said the DOJ still has "very strong evidence" at its disposal. At the same time, he blasted a judge's decision […]

Turkey’s crisis is not fundamentally contagious

IN 1546 Girolamo Fracastoro, a doctor and poet, published an elegant theory of contagion. Infections spread in three ways, he argued: by direct contact, via an intermediary, or at a distance, through the air. In medicine, his theory is now considered quaint. In economics, however, it still works pretty well. On August 10th President Donald […]

Modern diplomacy on North Korea may be fundamentally wrong — but history points to a better way

Twitter/White House International diplomacy between nuclear nations doesn’t rate as an easy task for even the most seasoned statesmen, but for some reason they still talk about it like training a horse with carrots and sticks. In diplomacy, carrots are benefits you can offer a country and sticks are punishments.  A Harvard researcher blows apart […]

2 reasons why the market is fundamentally misjudging the Bank of England’s next step

REUTERS/Peter Macdiarmid The Bank of England hinted that it is set to hike interest rates in May, but there are signs it could change its mind. A rate hike in May is, in the words of bond market guru Mohamed El-Erian “far from a done deal.” The wording of the committee’s statement is far less […]

John Oliver says Meghan Markle should watch Netflix’s ‘The Crown’ before she marries into an ’emotionally stunted group of fundamentally flawed people doing a very silly pseudo-job’

Netflix On “The Late Show,” comedian John Oliver told host Stephen Colbert that he wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan Markle backed out of her wedding to Prince Harry at the last minute. Oliver suggested that she watch Netflix’s “The Crown” to get an idea of what her life will be like in the British royal […]

A growing battle in the $47 billion organic food industry could fundamentally change the program — and some farmers are worried

The National Organic Standards Board, an advisory committee to the US Department of Agriculture, voted to allow some crops grown hydroponically and aquaponically to have organic labels. Organic food sales totaled $ 47 billion in the US in 2016. Some traditional organic farmers are threatening to leave the NOSB, the program they helped create, over […]

Ultra-conservatism takes backseat? How Saudi Crown Prince could ‘fundamentally change’ kingdom

Saudi Arabia recently announced it wants to go back to “moderate Islam,” and even became the first country to grant citizenship to a humanoid robot. RT looks at how ultra-conservatism is seemingly taking a backseat under a new Crown Prince. Mohammed bin Salman, often referred to as MbS, was officially appointed the heir of the […]

How the symbiotic relationship between Trump and Fox News has fundamentally changed American politics

Gabriel Sherman reported on Fox News’ former head Roger Ailes and his sexual misconduct. Sherman believes Fox News has changed after Ailes and that current head Rupert Murdoch hates Donald Trump. Gabriel Sherman says Fox News has an aging demographic and is clinging to Trump because its keeping their viewership strong.   On this week’s episode of my […]

Imminent birth of vast iceberg threatens to ‘fundamentally change’ Antarctic

Published time: 1 Jun, 2017 17:03 The massive crack in the Antarctic’s Larsen C Ice Shelf – one of the continent’s biggest floating ice platforms – is growing at such a dramatic rate that it will soon break free and create one of the largest icebergs ever recorded. Project MIDAS researchers, a group of scientists […]