Donkey Kong gets his own Christmas special in the form of a fan-made arcade remix

It’s the season for holiday specials, but game developers don’t make many of these for their properties. Sure, you can go back and play Sega’s Christmas Nights or dabble in the occasional online event, but now you can also evade gingerbread men and giant snowballs in a special holiday version of Donkey Kong. Sock Master, […]

This fan-made VHS commercial for Rogue One is delightfully retro

Rogue One, A Star Wars Story will soon be available on DVD and Blu-ray (the digital version was released on Friday), but there’s one format that the film won’t be released in: VHS. A fan-made commercial imagines how such a release might have been advertised in the 1980s. From the commercial’s editing to Anthony Sevins’ […]

Superhero Bits: Fanmade Logan Credits Scene, Brad Pitt Turned Down Deadpool 2 & More

Are the old versions and new versions of Thor, Iron Man and other Marvel heroes teaming up in the comics? How many times has Wolverine slashed his claws through the whole X-Men franchise? Why did Inglourious Basterds star Brad Pitt turn down playing Cable in Deadpool 2? Want to see a fanmade post-credits scene for […]

Tesla opens ‘Project Loveday’ contest for fan-made ads

Tesla has refused to do traditional advertising for its electric vehicles, instead relying on PR and its reputation for innovation. Some fans love the cars so much that they’ve gone ahead and made advertisements for the company, inspiring a letter from “green” fan Bria asking Elon Musk to run a contest looking for the best […]

Ad-averse Tesla will run a fan-made commercial

Tesla doesn’t need to advertise — based on a slick presentation, its overall rep and Elon Musk’s 7.5 million strong Twitter account, it notched 400,000 pre-orders Model 3 electric cars without anyone even taking a test drive. However, a fifth-grader named Bria noticed that despite the lack of ads, “many people make homemade commercials for […]

Blizzard Shuts Down Fanmade Overwatch Playboy Parody

Overwatch and porn (or, in this case, “artful eroticism”) have quite a history. Blizzard’s never seemed entirely comfortable with it, but the burgeoning Overwatch porn scene has raged on without its explicit approval. An Overwatch Playboy parody, however, apparently went too far. Playwatch Magazine began as nothing but a series of Playboy-style covers featuring Overwatch […]