The RetroBeat: Donkey Kong ’94 for the Game Boy is Nintendo’s forgotten masterpiece

Mario has starred in more classics than any other game character, but one of his best games doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In 1994, Nintendo released the Super Game Boy, a cartridge for the Super Nintendo that let you play Game Boy games on your TV. It would even add colors to some games. […]

Donkey Kong scorekeeper: Billy Mitchell’s defense ‘doesn’t make sense’

Embattled competitive gamer Billy Mitchell has broken his silence after a Donkey Kong fansite accused him of misrepresenting his high-score performances in the arcade classic. In an interview with livestreaming podcast show East Side Dave (which has a subscription paywall), Mitchell admitted that the videos in score-verifier Jeremy Young’s analysis are indeed of MAME gameplay […]

As Billy Mitchell comes under scrutiny, current Donkey Kong champ sets new record

Yesterday, I reported that competitive gamer Billy Mitchell may have misled record keepers with some of his best Donkey Kong scores. But while we were getting details of that scandal, the current Donkey Kong world-record holder Robbie Lakeman was setting a new high score. Lakeman beat his previous best of 1,230,100 points with 1,247,700. The […]

Donkey Kong scoreboard strips Billy Mitchell’s high score claims

Enlarge / Mitchell rides an oversized Donkey Kong machine in the recent Citrus Bowl parade. (credit: Billy Mitchell / Twitter) Billy Mitchell has been a polarizing figure in the tight-knit world of classic video game high scores since well before he appeared as Steve Wiebe’s antagonist in the 2007 documentary The King of Kong: A […]

‘King of Kong’ star Billy Mitchell lied, claims Donkey Kong world-record analysis

A Donkey Kong fansite has removed three high scores from arcade legend Billy Mitchell after an analysis revealed he likely misled the community about playing on real arcade hardware and that he instead submitted emulator gameplay. On Donkey Kong Forum, Mitchell previously held the No. 20 score with 1.062 million points, right behind his long-time […]

Donkey Kong gets his own Christmas special in the form of a fan-made arcade remix

It’s the season for holiday specials, but game developers don’t make many of these for their properties. Sure, you can go back and play Sega’s Christmas Nights or dabble in the occasional online event, but now you can also evade gingerbread men and giant snowballs in a special holiday version of Donkey Kong. Sock Master, […]

Trippy Fan Game Transforms Donkey Kong Country Into Vaporwave 

This jenky ode to a dead music genre lets you collect bananas while trampling through a glitched-out Jungle Hijinxs as a slowed-down, reverb-infested remix of the DKC soundtrack plays in the background. Any questions? Advertisement DonkeyKong.exe resulted from a very small game jam taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden. The group, Indie Games Gothenburg, decide to […]

Donkey Kong, Halo: Combat Evolved, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II have been inducted i

Donkey Kong, Halo: Combat Evolved, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II have been inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. They were picked out of twelve finalists that included Final Fantasy VII, Mortal Kombat, Portal, Resident Evil, and Wii Sports.  Kotaku

Gaming’s new hall of famers: Donkey Kong, Halo, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II

Drumroll please. The new inductees for the World Video Game Hall of Fame have been announced, and the winners are Donkey Kong, Halo: Combat Evolved, Pokémon Red and Green, and Street Fighter II. The Strong National Museum of Play announced the inductees for 2017 at a ceremony in Rochester, N.Y., today in recognition of games that have […]

AMBER'S DONKEY: How a rescue animal helped a girl to speak

AMBER’S DONKEY Justing and Tracy Austwick had never heard their daughter Amber utter so much as a single word Born prematurely at 26 weeks, together with her twin sister Hope, Amber had been rushed to intensive care for an emergency tracheostomy – an operation to make it possible for her to breathe – within moments […]