Carmen Sandiego Theme Song Gets Sultry Remix in Netflix Reboot — Watch

That chill weekend jam you requested has arrived — and it’s dressed to kill. Netflix on Friday released the theme song and opening title sequence for its upcoming Carmen Sandiego reboot, and while it may not get your blood pumping quite like the iconic Rockapella version of yesteryear, it fits the new series’ mysterious vibe […]

‘Rick and Morty’ Gets a Wild Australian Remix in Adult Swim’s ‘Bushworld Adventures’ Animated Short

Last year on April Fool’s Day, the ultimate Adult Swim joke came in the form of a surprise season premiere of the third season of Rick and Morty. This year, it seemed unlikely that a surprise fourth season premiere would happen, especially with the trouble behind the scenes in getting an official order for the […]

Donkey Kong gets his own Christmas special in the form of a fan-made arcade remix

It’s the season for holiday specials, but game developers don’t make many of these for their properties. Sure, you can go back and play Sega’s Christmas Nights or dabble in the occasional online event, but now you can also evade gingerbread men and giant snowballs in a special holiday version of Donkey Kong. Sock Master, […]

‘Baby Driver’ Trailer Remix: DJ Mike Relm Makes Music with Sound Effects, Dialogue & More

Blockbuster summer has been a fairly disappointing season thus far. For my money, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has been the only movie that has truly delivered what a summer blockbuster is. Thankfully, the season is only half over, and we’ve got plenty of great movies coming down the pipeline, one of which will […]

How Microsoft’s Story Remix does what Clippy couldn’t

Microsoft is making some bold promises with Story Remix, its recently announced app for the Windows 10 Fall Creators update. Together with the company’s deep learning technology, it can automatically craft your photos and videos into short films. Story Remix resembles Apple Clips and Google’s Photo Assistant, but it goes a bit farther with the […]