Cardiac stem cell treatment pioneer fabricated 31 studies, Harvard & Brigham conclude

Two prestigious US hospitals have concluded a prominent cardiologist whose research served as the foundation for cardiac stem cell therapy fabricated or falsified data in at least 31 published studies that should now be retracted. Piero Anversa’s research first made waves in 2001, when he published a paper in Nature suggesting that stem cells could […]

US-led coalition ‘manufactured consent’ with ‘fabricated’ gas attack – George Galloway on Syria

George Galloway says that both the alleged gas attack in Syria and subsequent US-led missile strikes this week were a “deliberate fabrication” meant to distract from a number of domestic scandals in the coalition member-states. Galloway, a former MP-turned-broadcaster, spoke to about the latest US-led strikes in Syria, the pretext behind them and the […]

Moscow confronts London with 14 questions on ‘fabricated’ Skripal case

Russia’s Embassy in London has sent a list of 14 questions to the UK Foreign Ministry, demanding that it reveals details of the investigation into the nerve-agent poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter. The questions, provided in full below, include a demand to clarify whether samples of the nerve agent А-234 […]

Assad: Idlib attack 100% fabricated, Syria destroyed all chemical weapons

Published time: 13 Apr, 2017 14:36 The chemical incident in Idlib province blamed on Damascus was a “100 percent fabrication,” as the Syrian military has already dismantled chemical weapons stockpiles, President Bashar Assad told AFP. “Definitely, 100 percent for us, it’s fabrication… Our impression is that the West, mainly the United States, is hand-in-glove with […]