Russia partners like China and India expressing concerns over Ukraine may have forced Putin’s hand and driven him to try and end the war quickly, according to Russian politics experts

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pose for a photo shaking hands prior to their talks on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. Alexandr Demyanchuk, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo/Associated Press Some of Putin's global partners expressed concerns about his war […]

‘Helping Hand’ Is About Eloquently Expressing Yourself With A Finger

Helping Hand is about suing your fingers to communicate, and while you can say a whole lot with a single finger, this title asks you to say a whole lot more than that, bringing all your digits in to help. After all, how well do certain one-finger gestures translate to alien beings? Best learn to […]

Tomi Lahren files lawsuit against Glenn Beck and TheBlaze, alleging wrongful termination for expressing pro-choice views

Screenshot via Facebook Conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren filed a lawsuit against Glenn Beck and TheBlaze on Friday, alleging she was wrongfully terminated for recently expressing a pro-choice opinion. The news was first reported by the Dallas Morning News. During a March 17 appearance on “The View,” Lahren said she could not “sit here and be […]