Russia partners like China and India expressing concerns over Ukraine may have forced Putin’s hand and driven him to try and end the war quickly, according to Russian politics experts

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pose for a photo shaking hands prior to their talks on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. Alexandr Demyanchuk, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo/Associated Press Some of Putin's global partners expressed concerns about his war […]

We’ve driven Audi’s first proper electric car, the 2019 e-tron SUV

Enlarge (credit: Jonathan Gitlin) Because Audi was only offering e-tron drives in Abu Dhabi, we elected to accept paid flights and two nights in a hotel in order to attend this event, rather than having to wait at least six months to drive the vehicle. In the wake of its emissions scandal, Volkswagen Group has […]

Dallara Stradale Driven! Racing Constructor Builds One for the Road

– While automakers love to fit aggressive-looking rear wings to their cars, and often claim that they help them stick to the pavement, the reality is that few street cars generate much downforce. The all-time champion was the Dodge Viper ACR, the sorta-streetable special that wowed us at Lightning Lap a couple of years ago, […]

Slingin’ Dirt: 2019 Ram 1500 Rebel Driven On- and Off-Road!

-The image of enhanced off-road capability, both real and imagined, has long been a part of the full-size-pickup formula. That attribute continues with the new-for-2019 Ram 1500, the redesigned lineup of which includes an update to the dirt-slingin’ Rebel trim level that was introduced for 2015. While we’ve already driven a good chunk of the […]

Driven: The All-New Ram 1500 Pickup Is More Aerodynamic, Efficient, and Luxurious Than Ever

– There’s a war raging on the home front. A divide in our nation. A fight between deeply entrenched opponents. Social media up in flames. But it’s not what you think. This thing has been going on for decades. This is the truck war, the clash among the best-selling vehicles in the United States. In 2017, […]

2018 Audi R8 RWS Driven: A Tail-Wagging, Rear-Drive Audi

-On the great list of maladies you may consider likely in transforming the benign all-wheel-drive Audi R8 into a rear-wheel-drive special model—Death himself riding shotgun, wizards and fairies controlling the car’s otherwise innate balance, thrill-turns-to-regret oversteer—you can add zilch and nada. In virtually every use, this supercar remains the almost-too-tame, composed partner it has always […]

2019 Bentley Bentayga V-8 Driven: Fewer Cylinders but More Character

– The Bentley Bentayga W-12 has paved the road to opulent utilitarianism for soon-to-arrive mega-luxury SUVs from Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Rolls-Royce. Yet the big B’s early move means that it has already started churning out derivative models, including a diesel, a plug-in hybrid, and our subject here, the 2019 Bentayga V-8, a gilded […]

US driven by neo-imperialist ambitions in interfering in other countries' affairs – Lavrov

Moscow views US attempts to interfere into other countries’ affairs as “neo-imperial ambitions,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. Read more Speaking on Thursday after a meeting with Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Lavrov also stated that Moscow has never meddled in Washington’s affairs, and there has never been a fact that signals otherwise. In the […]

Name Gamer: Sport-Replacing 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Driven!

-When the fourth generation of the Hyundai Santa Fe goes on sale at the end of 2018, the brand will be well on its way to completely relaunching its entire SUV lineup—although this revamp comes with a little confusion. This new Santa Fe is effectively a replacement for the outgoing Santa Fe Sport. Today’s longer-wheelbase […]

505-HP Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio Driven! It’s Ready to Haul

– Is it just us, or has the automotive world gone crazy? Well, okay, crazier. As evidence, we offer the fact that manufacturers now not only routinely drag their high-performance cars to the fabled Nürburgring to break lap records, they’re now doing the same thing with their hyperactive SUVs. Two SUV protagonists currently vying for […]