Phillip Schofield clashes with Nigel Farage in angry US Election debate ‘Excuse me!’

“No,” Nigel replied. “I really don’t think we should. If I thought there was a vaccine coming on February 1st then the argument for lockdown would be quite logical. “There is no guarantee of any such thing. The sheer damage lockdown is doing to people’s physical wellbeing, mental health, their jobs, their finances, the nation’s […]

Fiona Bruce reveals the one Brexit excuse Question Time audience hates politicians using

With the October 31 deadline looming, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just a matter of weeks to come up with a deal for the UK to leave the EU. It’s been over three years since the referendum took place and ongoing negotiations have left many frustrated. Now, Question Time host Fiona Bruce has opened up […]

Pete Davidson Slams Kanye West for Hijacking SNL Stage With Pro-Trump Rant: 'Being Mentally Ill Is Not an Excuse to Act Like a Jackass'

Kanye West‘s bizarre pro-Trump rant following last week’s Saturday Night Live premiere did not go over well with cast member Pete Davidson. On Saturday’s show, Davidson — appearing at the end of Weekend Update — slammed West for hijacking the SNL stage. “What Kanye said after we went off the air last week was one of the worst, […]

There’s no longer an excuse for late Android updates: If this tiny smartphone company can support Android P on the same day as Google, so can everyone else

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider The Essential Phone is the only Android phone in recent memory that has received Google’s latest version of Android at the same time as Google’s own Pixel devices.  It shows that there’s no longer any excuse for Android phones getting Android updates several months after they’re released.  Usually, third-party phones that aren’t […]

'Russia threat' used as excuse to funnel trillions into military industry – Russian envoy to US

Washington uses the alleged Russian threat as a pretext for its nuclear build-up, while the real purpose behind the new hawkish nuclear strategy is to pump money into the military complex, the Russian ambassador to the US told RT. “The problem is that the Americans are again using Russia as a bogeyman to justify the […]

‘Stop using that as an excuse’: Celebs grill Tomic

SNAKES, spiders and disgusting challenges might be the least of Bernard Tomic’s worries in the South African jungle, with two contestants ripping into the Aussie tennis player during the show’s early stages. Tomic shocked the nation when he signed up for Channel 10s I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Outta Here, just weeks after he failed […]

No excuse for ballboy tackle

Video No excuse for ballboy tackle1:38 Football: The Bill and Boz panel dissect the controversial ballboy tackle in the FFA Cup final on Tuesday night. November 21st 2017 4 hours ago /display/ news and galleries/Football/ Football No excuse for ballboy tackle1:38 November 21st 2017 4 hours ago /display/ news and galleries/Football/ Sydney FC crowned champs3:20 […]

McCain blasts draft-dodging Trump for Vietnam ‘bone spur’ excuse

Arizona Senator John McCain appears to have taken a swipe at President Donald Trump for avoiding the army draft during the Vietnam War. In an interview aired on C-Span on Sunday, McCain criticized those who were able to avoid serving in the military by citing medical conditions in comments about draft deferment. “One aspect of […]

‘Russia was an excuse’: Trump repeats claim that Democrats are still mad about the 2016 election

Fox News President Donald Trump revisited his angst from the contentious 2016 election during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday night. Trump said that Democrats had used the controversy surrounding Russia’s interference during the election as a scapegoat for Clinton’s loss. “Russia was an excuse used by the Democrats when they lost […]

Gambler 500 Offers Cheap Excuse to Off-Road a 1983 Toyota Camry

-Built for a life of grocery getting and highway cruising, the 1983 Toyota Camry LE my friend Gus and I had bought for $ 500 was now rumbling over off-road trails in northern Michigan. Considering the car is eligible for an antique license plate, it had been handling this new life with surprising aplomb. Until we tried to force it […]