Manufacturing dissent: Leaked footage reveals US Israel lobby astroturfing student event (VIDEO)

A fake pro-Israel protest manufactured by US-based lobbying groups has been exposed in an exclusive clip from a censored Al Jazeera documentary on Israel’s influence in the US. The release of the much-anticipated US version of undercover documentary The Lobby has been stalled since the UK version, which aired in 2017, revealed Israel’s influence within […]

Vietnam’s new tech laws may stifle online dissent

Today, lawmakers in Vietnam voted in favor of a bill that requires tech companies that do business in the country to house all user data domestically. Additionally, social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook must remove any offensive content within 24 hours of receiving a request from Vietnamese authorities. This law is similar to […]

Funding NGOs & stirring dissent: Russian special commission exposes election meddling by US

A special commission report on foreign meddling in the 2018 presidential election has been unveiled in Russia’s Upper House. The document highlighted the main methods of the elaborate campaign, spearheaded by the US. The report, presented on Wednesday in Russia’s Upper House (the Senate), was prepared by the Commission for State Sovereignty Protection in cooperation […]

Corbyn warns against ‘McCarthyite intolerance of dissent’ over Russia accusations

Jeremy Corbyn has fiercely defied his critics, reiterating the need for evidence in the Sergei Skripal poisoning case. The Labour leader warned the lack of British diplomacy could lead to a “McCarthyite intolerance of dissent.” On Wednesday, the Labour leader enraged MPs as he failed to outright condemn Russia for the poisoning of ex-Russian double […]

Tesla’s Push to Build a Self-Driving Car Sparks Dissent Among its Engineers

Elon Musk built a company that’s more valuable than General Motors or Ford. Now, his ambitious goals for Tesla’s Autopilot technology, the next phase in the rapidly changing auto industry, are being tested by resignations and disquiet in the engineering ranks. What’s News US

Al Franken slams Gorsuch over a ‘absurd’ dissent in frozen trucker case: ‘It makes me question your judgment’

Associated Press/Pablo Martinez Monsivais Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota blasted Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch during his confirmation hearing Tuesday over a 2016 dissent, calling the ruling “absurd” and saying it made him question Gorsuch’s judgment. Gorsuch was the only judge on the 10th Circuit to issue a dissent in the so-called “frozen trucker” ruling […]