Mexico to deport 500 migrants who tried to ‘violently’ force their way into US

After US border guards used tear gas to repel a group of migrants who tried to break through from Mexico at a closed crossing, Mexico is saying it will deport 500 of those involved in the chaotic incident. Mexican authorities told the press that they will be deporting 500 people involved in a demonstration which […]

Taiwanese authorities arrest Cody Wilson, intend to deport him

Enlarge / Cody Wilson speaks at the 2015 SXSW Conference for the premiere of the documentary, Deep Web. (credit: Amy E. Price/Getty Images for SXSW) Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson was arrested at a hotel in Taipei City’s Wanhua District at around 6pm local time in Taipei today, according to reports in Taiwanese outlets The Liberty […]

Here’s why you can’t deport immigrants ‘with no Judges or Court Cases’ like Trump wants

Reuters President Donald Trump has now twice advocated bypassing immigrants’ and asylum-seekers’ due-process rights that have been long established in the US legal system. The US Constitution and Supreme Court decisions set the framework of these rights, afforded to anyone on US soil. President Donald Trump has now twice advocated to strip immigrants and asylum-seekers […]

Israel is paying its citizens to help deport asylum seekers

Photo by Ilia Yefimovich/Getty Images Israel will offer $ 8,700 to civilians who sign on to help the government forcibly deport asylum seekers. The country announced it will, by March, evacuate its main detention center, which houses thousands of asylum seekers from war-torn countries including Sudan and Eritrea.  Those who don’t leave by March face “enforcement […]

Iraq plans to deport wives & children of Islamic State extremists – report

Iraq is preparing to deport more than 500 wives of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) jihadists along with over 800 children, according to local officials cited by AFP. The group were reportedly moved Sunday from a camp south of Mosul, run by international aid agencies, to a detention centre in Tal Kayf. Read more A […]

Sweden to deport 106yo Afghani woman, world’s ‘oldest refugee’ – reports

Published time: 20 Aug, 2017 22:02 A 106-year-old woman, widely referred to as the “world’s oldest refugee,” is reportedly among the Afghan asylum seekers set to be expelled from Sweden in the coming months. “There is no doubt that the security situation in Afghanistan is serious. At the same time, we have assessed that levels […]

Germany under ‘great illusion’ it can deport failed asylum seekers – senior official

A “great illusion” prevails in Germany over the deportation of failed asylum applicants, Bavarian premier Horst Seehofer argued, adding it is unrealistic to expel all migrants once they are in the country. Read more It is much more humane for European countries to protect common borders and decide on the spot whom to allow in […]

Former Head of Cobra demands UK deport jihadists NOW ‘We can't allow them to roam free'

He spoke to Kate Garraway and Ben Shephard on Good Morning Britain today about what can be done to help reduce the threat of terror in the UK.  “We have the finest intelligence services and finest police services in the world and they have protected us time and time again,” he noted.  “Hundreds of attacks […]