Tech companies file briefs supporting challenges to DACA withdrawal

Major tech companies are still voicing their support for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that protects undocumented immigrants that came to the US when they were children. President Trump decided to end DACA protections in September and while tech companies spoke out in support of DACA prior to and following that decision, […]

IBM, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and over 100 other companies have jumped into a lawsuit fighting Trump’s decision to end DACA

AP Photo/Manu Fernandez 108 companies, including IBM, Facebook, Twitter and Uber are trying a new tactic to pressure the Trump Administration not to deport 800,000 people covered by the Obama-era DACA policy. They have filed a brief in support of a lawsuit brought by multiple US states challenging the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA. On […]

Conservatives are ripping Trump over bipartisan DACA deal

Screenshot via Breitbart News Some conservative commentators sounded off on Wednesday night about President Donald Trump’s latest deal with Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi announced their agreement with Trump that would protect certain unauthorized immigrants as part of a broader border security plan. Shortly after, Breitbart News featured […]

Off the wall: White House denies Democrats’ claim Trump agreed to DACA deal excl. wall funds

Published time: 14 Sep, 2017 03:46 Edited time: 14 Sep, 2017 03:56 Two senior Democratic Party leaders claim President Donald Trump agreed to a deal that would protect young immigrants from deportation without funding for the border wall. However, that deal seems to have already hit a brick wall. On Wednesday, Trump invited Senate Minority […]

How Congress can replace DACA and make it even better

Reuters President Donald Trump has asked Congress to do what former President Barack Obama and his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program could not: Provide permanent protection from deportation for more than one million undocumented immigrants brought to this country as young children by their parents. DACA, which Trump has ordered dismantled, is widely […]

Trump administration memo urges DACA recipients to ‘prepare for and arrange their departure’

Associated Press/Evan Vucci A talking points memo issued by the White House on Tuesday said the Department of Homeland Security urges DACA recipients to use the time remaining on their work permits “to prepare for and arrange their departure from the United States.” The memo, obtained by multiple media outlets, comes after the Trump administration […]

The Economic Senselessness of President Trump’s DACA Repeal

President Donald Trump has decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, an executive action that protected from deportation more than 800,000 “Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children. In a statement, the president said that the Obama initiative led to a “massive surge [of] young people who […]

Here's How Protesters Are Responding To The End Of DACA

Demonstrators in in Washington, DC, protest in front of the White House after the Trump administration scrapped Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that protects almost 800,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children from deportation. Let’s block ads! (Why?) BuzzFeed – Latest

Trump adviser tells DACA recipients to ‘go home and get in line’

MSNBC One of President Donald Trump’s top allies and a member of his voter fraud commission praised the president’s decision to end a program that shields from deportation about 800,000 immigrants who arrived in the US as children and allows them to apply for legal work permits. In a contentious interview with NBC News’ Hallie […]