The Crew’s Kevin James Weighs In on Kevin/Beth Cliffhanger: ‘I Don’t Know If I’m the Best One to Make Her Happy’

RELATED STORIES It’s the age-old question: Does absence make the heart grow fonder? The Crew‘s Kevin Gibson is about to find out. In the Netflix comedy’s Season 1 finale, Kevin had the chance to tell Beth how he feels about her and ask her not to leave. Instead, he said nothing and wished her well as […]

Aussie crews oarsome at World Cup

AUSTRALIA’S top women’s four has completed its preparations for the upcoming world rowing championships with gold and a World Cup series crown on a day of success in Lucerne. The women’s and men’s four ended the regatta with victories while the men’s eight finished with silver in a confidence boosting performance for the Australian team. […]

US says Chinese laser attacks injured plane crews, China strongly denies

Senior Airman Patrick P. Evenson/USAF The United States formally complained to China after Chinese nationals pointed lasers at U.S. military aircraft near Djibouti in recent weeks, the Pentagon said on Thursday. “They are very serious incidents … We have formally démarched the Chinese government and we’ve requested the Chinese investigate these incidents,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana […]

How Terry Crews went from sweeping floors after quitting the NFL to becoming a transcendent pitchman and huge TV star

Business Insider Getty Images Terry Crews has built a career by doing everything from action movies (“The Expendables”) and comedy series (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”), to being a game-show host (“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”) and pitchman (Old Spice). But at one point, after playing in the NFL, he was broke and had a job sweeping […]

Fire crews battle 3-alarm apartment blaze in Brooklyn, injuries reported

Published time: 3 Jan, 2018 03:18 Edited time: 3 Jan, 2018 03:53 Flames shot through windows of a brownstone apartment building in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, as firefighters engaged the three-alarm blaze. Three firefighters have non-life threatening injuries, an FDNY spokesperson told NY1. Flames have reportedly shot out of the windows of a […]

Helicopter crews rescue 150 skiers from stuck gondola lifts in French Alps (VIDEOS)

Published time: 25 Dec, 2017 01:42 Some 150 skiers were forced to spend most of their Christmas Eve admiring the majestic beauty of the French Alps after a lift broke down on their journey to the summit. It took rescue crews over 2 hours to rescue those stranded. The skiers got stuck some 25 meters […]

CREW’s Emoluments lawsuit against Trump dismissed for lack of standing

Congress, not the courts, should have the final say on whether President Donald Trump is in violation of the US Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, a federal judge ruled in dismissing two lawsuits filed against the president. On Thursday, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, better known as CREW, failed to convince US District Court […]

Cold War fun: Pilot reveals Soviet bomber crews asked US jets to barrel-roll & took pics (PHOTO)

Published time: 10 Dec, 2017 11:08 An aviation blog has posted a photo of a US AF F-4 jet flying upside down as it intercepts a Soviet Tu-95 strategic bomber. The story behind it is one of how mid-air encounters now deemed “unsafe” were once regarded as professionals having a bit of fun. The picture […]

Terry Crews Sues Over Alleged Sexual Assault

Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Terry Crews made headlines in the days following the first wave of Harvey Weinstein allegations by relaying, via Twitter, the story of how a “high level Hollywood exec” groped him at an industry function. He told the story, and described his inaction to the assault, to explain how he understands “why women […]